Originally posted by Da_elf

in my eyes they sometimes aren't too gifted when it comes to docs (the mental ray docs come to my mind... *shudder*)
alas: i did a quick test:
simple scene, consisting of a checkerboard ground and *tada* teapots
image 1 with zdepth, color, real color, coverage and subpixel weight (which seems to be empty but that might be my mistake)
image 2 just with zdepth, color and real color
both got a 3D Depth of Field Operator with identical Settings on top (used 15 gaussian blur to emphasize the difference)
as it seems, the gaussian blur doesnt work at all without the additional channels - there was no difference to the original image
box blur worked, but looked really ugly (on both inputs)
will eventually upload the images tomorrow - now i'm off to bed