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Vray 1.5 & Max 8 & Ornatrix failed to initialize..

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  • Vray 1.5 & Max 8 & Ornatrix failed to initialize..


    Does anyone use Ornatrix with Vray 1.5 ?

    I tried Ornatrix 1.4 demo but it seems max can't load OrnaVRayHair.dlm,
    so I followed some advice from the Ornatrix forum to load first the Vrender60.dlr
    in the plugin.ini file but still. OrnaVRayHair.dlm can't be loaded.

    I remember with older version of Vray I got managed to make Ornatrix
    worked but it was a long time ago

    Am I missing something? Did something changed with Vray 1.5 and I have
    to load other files with Vrender60.dlr before OrnaVRayHair.dlm ?

    ( I did a search and didn't found any answers to my questions )

    Thank you, I would really appreciate

  • #2
    its might be that the new vray is not supported by ornatrix. So it wont work.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Morbid Angel
      its might be that the new vray is not supported by ornatrix. So it wont work.
      Argh! bad news Any Ornatrix user here to confirm?
      I heard that only Ornatrix and HairFx could render in Vray without
      being converted to geometry, is that true?

      Thank you for your help


      • #4
        Ornatrix supports an older version of V-Ray, but even then there were quite a bit of issues (e.g. hair being clipped away, not working with motion blur etc). So geometry hair is the best solution so far.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Thank you Vlado for your help

          I'm trying to avoid geometry in case of heavy renders, I can also try
          to composite scanlined rendered hair afterward but I would like something
          pretty straight out of the render.

          I'll try to search for another solution, thanks again for your help


          • #6
            Geometry is handy since you don't have to relight the hair using spots and omnis - it's not that bad in terms of render times either since vray really likes polygons.


            • #7
              Originally posted by joconnell
              Geometry is handy since you don't have to relight the hair using spots and omnis - it's not that bad in terms of render times either since vray really likes polygons.
              Well, you certainly know that better than me then, and instead of ignoring
              this option I'll have to give it a try

              I'm wondering how it works with the hair shader tho, I'll have to search for
              a tutorial or something, thank you for your help


              • #8
                Eheh, it'd be wise to follow the Irish and Bulgarian boys' suggestion, aye



                • #9
                  Lighting aside, it can be difficult to match the motion blur between the two - if you do end up using scanline hair and comping over, make sure your vray renders are using an interval center of 0 so that the timing will match the scanline blur - the default of 0.5 means vray centers its motion blur between the frames rather than on the frame - it's like you're rendering frame 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and so on instead of 0,1,2,3. Basically if you try and comp your hair over, it looks like the movement of the hair is half a frame ahead or behind.

                  It's more difficult to get that nice soft fuzzy look with geometry though unless you use an opacity map on the hair material to make it fade out but this will make your render times higher.


                  • #10

                    thanks alot for your help, I ended using Ornatrix directly rendering in Vray,
                    I just added a direct spot linked on my vray light and I excluded everything
                    except the hair for illumination (only shadow casting) and it works

                    so I will just delete the OrnaVRayHair.dlm to avoid the error message
                    and I'll be able to try this nice plugin. (it's harder than I thought )

                    thanks again for your advice

                    it's been a long time since Ornatrix has updated their website, do they
                    prepare something big? I was reading something yesterday about
                    HairFx wit Ornatrix, HairTrix or something like that. is that a hoax or

                    it would not be clever from me to buy ornatrix if there is no more
                    updates in the future

