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  • reflections

    Why does vray 1.5 say it is incompatable (when rendering) with the raytrace reflection in a standard material in the reflection map slot but it renders the reflection anyway?

    I know one should be using vray material instead of standard but after reading the user manual and playing with vray materials i have no idea how to get reflections from them so i am using standard with raytrace and they work....but i get the incompatablility message.

  • #2
    number of reasons which some may be, incorrect gi transmittance from raytrace mat, incorrect luminance (overbrightnening) from raytrace mat, incorrect result for gamma corrections, incorrect sampling for reflection blur in raytrace mat, no support for pass output...and so on. Though this may look ok on a test, often it will produce the long dreaded red dots or all kind of overbrights. All this message really says, use it at your own risk...
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      For vray material reflections... change the BLACK color in the reflection to full white to get full reflection or anywhere inbetween. If you tick fresnell you will get a fresnel falloff of the reflection.
      Really simple.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DaForce
        For vray material reflections... change the BLACK color in the reflection to full white to get full reflection or anywhere inbetween. If you tick fresnell you will get a fresnel falloff of the reflection.
        Really simple.
        heh, it's always simple, if you know how.


        • #5
          hehe indeed it is.

          If you have any more questions, do post them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DaForce
            hehe indeed it is.

            If you have any more questions, do post them.
            Ok, here's another one.
            Why is the interface for reflection based on a greyscale from black to white instead of the more initially obvious interface of a spinner? Most everything else in Vray is spinner or number controlled, why is this one thing graphic controlled (which one could say is not the case because it is based on 0 to 255 greyscale...but it is a graphic thing, not the instantly recognizable spinner next to a word that says "reflection".

            I have nothing but respect for Vlado and crew for their accomplishments with vray but this seems out of character when you look at all the other controlls in vray.

            Just curious, thats all.


            • #7
              Because colour does play a role in reflections. It's NOT greyscale based. When you select a colour instead of a greyscale value then you add tinting to the reflections. Besides using maps for reflection strength/tinting is also pretty powerfull.



              • #8
                Cos it's not based on greyscale black to white - you can set it to a colour instead. For example if you have a blue reflection colour, you'll get tinted reflections where blue objects will be reflected more than non blue objects. It's very similar to coloured lights too - try making a pure red, pure green and pure blue sphere in max. Now make a single omni light and make it pure green and do a render - notice only your green sphere appears (aside from the highlights) - a green object can only reflect the green wavelength of light so if you were to shine a red light on it, it has no green light waves to reflect and thus looks black.


                • #9
                  Thorsten, Jo,
                  I's much more than what i understood at first glance. Nice.

