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colour probs

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  • colour probs

    Hi All,

    right, this maybe a Linear workflow thing.. but will explain my problem first.

    for an accurate exterior i am having major problems with having great GI and exposure settings, but way too light material and bitmap colours, having to use very dark (guessing which i dont like!) colours to compensate... confused as reflection and refracton colours are affected too, moving from 0-255 is not reacting in a linear fashion.

    I use a 20" lcd, no LUT gamma in max, use vray sun and sky (sun at 0.01) vray physical camera (f.5.6, iso 200, shutter 30) and gamma corrected colour mapping (1.0,0.454,1.0)

    as i have said, works really well for overall look and feel apart from the colours which i have to darken considerably....

    not as much of a problem in interior jobs that we do...

    any comments, helpers..

  • #2
    Re: colour probs

    Originally posted by t3dm
    no LUT gamma in max,

    and gamma corrected colour mapping (1.0,0.454,1.0)
    Start using it then, because i'm pretty sure its there for the gamma corrected workflow.


    • #3
      If you haven't watched my tutorial on the vray sun+sky+physcam i'd suggest you do that (in the tips & tricks section).
      At the very least, you won't feel that alone in the darkening of colours, and you might even find there's a viable reason for it

      Of course, interiors CAN be brighter than exteriors, as that helps light distribution.



      • #4
        Re: colour probs

        Originally posted by cubiclegangster
        Originally posted by t3dm
        no LUT gamma in max,

        and gamma corrected colour mapping (1.0,0.454,1.0)
        Start using it then, because i'm pretty sure its there for the gamma corrected workflow.
        i have looked at this! i have now, got max gamma 2.2, affect colours unticked biutmap input 2.2 the rest as standard. have gamma colour mapping and now i get high contrast images with highly saturated colours...

        before i was working without max gamma, using gamma colour mapping, and for interior work, it was working quite predictably with colours.

        if a client asked for a particular colour of carpet or finish i found it easy to sample in photoshop and put in a rgb value in max, getting a predictable result....

        studio DM, downloaded one video but dont have the correct codec... what codec do i need????

