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How to move a license?

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  • How to move a license?

    without dongle key, i mean..

    Next week is scheduled a new machine delivery, so probably that one will be the main one and the actual will become a render node.
    I planned to use the dongle feature to manage this issue but I never received mine (I'm in Italy but I purchased my licence through the web from an US reseller).
    Any suggestion to solve it from anyone with similar issue?
    Does the actual software license works as a license server, too?
    A new licence request to chaos or whatever?
    Who is expected to send the dongle key? the us reseller or a nearest one?

    thanx in advance


  • #2
    (mutters to myself) and people thought the dongle was a bad idea.

    basically your license is tied to your system. thats why your server should always be the one chosen to keep the liscence and all the other computers attached to it get the license from it. Work stations are the worst choice since they come and go. your going to need to send in a submission email to chaos to request another license

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      If you don't have a dongle yet, you can just request a new license for your new machine. If you like to get more information about your dongle, you can either call the office or write to

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

