Ahhh...Cant find that post....I have overlapping window frames and they are turning out black and ugly....What was the setting? I remember it was like .33 or .35...But I cant find the right click box.
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overlap setting fix thingy
Change the raytracing secondary bias to .001 under the general switches rollout. Is that the one you're thinking of?www.dpict3d.com - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.
That's why I put the.
Well....I kinda started late in the Max Realm...Due to the fact that the company I worked for never did any of this back in 95...I basically had to pull teeth to get them to buy anything until we started making money...LOL....But that was 13 years ago...So....I still use Arch Desktop cause mainly, most of the modeling I do, we still bring that info in for the designers to create our Construct Doc's and plus I can do it 10 times faster in CAD than MAX....Cause mainly....I have been doing it that way for so long.....Now you take someone who learned in MAX...Sure...
I was trying to tell a buddy of mine today. He likes sketchup and Revit. He was trying to tell me that he could produce a set of CD's faster in those than he could in CAD. At our Office!!!.... That may be the case for some, but I would say NOT for most.... In a firm where we are xreffing our drawings for the civil department, surveying, etc.. If everyone isnt on the same page, then damn it's a nightmare. Same goes for the modeling in CAD. If I did everything in Max, and had these multi component wall styles that the architect changed 5 times over and over. It would have been a nightmare if I had lofted them in Max and then had to change them again and again. Ouch... But I digress. One man's peach is another man's avacado...Or is it one man's...whatever.... LOL
But back to the main point....I am doing more and more in Max these days along with the Arch Desktop