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Another DR problem

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  • Another DR problem

    I'm not sure if this is related to any other existing thread, but I have started having problems with DR buckets rendering very strangly. It garbles up the geometry and lighting, etc. I can't quite tell what its doing but its not good. This particular file used to render fine, and then it just started doing this. I also had the same problem on another file.

    Tim Nelson

  • #2
    Quite similar :

    Can you tell more about your soft, your scene and your network ?


    • #3
      We are running Max9 32 bit, Vray 1.5 RC3. Server OS is Windows small business server and the workstations are all XP Pro, 32 and 64 bit mix. Network is 1gb, but I don't know too many details besides that.

      So this is what my paths look like. This is not UNC, right? Do they need to be UNC and if so, how do you change them all?

      Tim Nelson


      • #4
        With this tool, you can select all teh files going to same folder and give them a new path "..." through your network or typing the IP adress corresponding to the drives X:.

        Hope you'll understand... Marseille English.

        The other advice is to place all files in the same folder.

        Is there an total compatibility between 32 and 64 bit ?


        • #5
          At this point you could do a resource collect, save all the bitmaps to one folder, which is saved to the network.

          Remote desktop into one of your render nodes open the file and see if the files are in their original location, if they're missing, point the photometric bitmap paths to their new location.
          Colin Senner


          • #6
            But here are 2 things that don't make sense to me

            1) It totally messes up the walls, which don't even have any sort of map applied to them

            2) The DR buckets actually render completely different geometry in some areas, especially as you can see on the right side of that image.
            Tim Nelson


            • #7
              So here is what it looks like when I do a material override. I'm still getting the same results.

              Tim Nelson


              • #8
                Is there a total compatibility between 32 and 64 bit ?


                • #9
                  Well I thought there was. This scene worked perfectly with DR using a 32 bit computer and 64 bit computer together. Then at some point it just stopped working right.

                  So there has to be something in the scene that is incompatible. Right now I'm rendering another scene from a different project with DR and it is working fine.
                  Tim Nelson


                  • #10
                    looking at the buckets it appears that they are trying to render a different part of the scene/maybe different camera, that is just a shot in the dark. To see if that might be the case up double your bucket size and see if there is any rhyme or reason to what it's rendering in the incorrect buckets.
                    Colin Senner


                    • #11
                      i had this problem too, i think some(all) rendernodes is trying to render a different scene.. try to restart max/workstation, and/or restart the vray spawner..


                      • #12
                        Looks like the slave is rendering a different file, are you using "last render" or region or anything?

                        maybe the slave is not saving the new scene, does it work an a simple scene?
                        Eric Boer


                        • #13
                          Woah this is really bad. Maybe it's not really a DR problem, because when I network render the same file, look what happens here. The wall just looks completely dissolved on the right, and the ceiling is funky too.

                          Rendered locally on any machine, it works fine.
                          Tim Nelson


                          • #14
                            Its a single max file right, not dependencies on outside files, like proxys or xrefs?

                            So all you have is the max file and textures right?

                            What is your mesh? editable poly/mesh.... try just collapsing to editable mesh see if that helps.


                            • #15
                              Yup, just the max file and textures.

                              The walls had quite a stack on them - edit poly, slice, edit poly, and one or two others I think. I just converted to an edit mesh and sent out to render so we'll see what happens.

                              Tim Nelson

