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matte shadow not showin up in VRayShadows render element

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  • matte shadow not showin up in VRayShadows render element

    Hi all,

    the title pretty much says everything. matte shadows render fine, but I'm not able make them appear in the VRayShadows render element. Is this a known bug (or pretty strange feature) or am I too stupid here?

    Maybe someone has a workaround other than rendering an extra shadow pass which I'd like to avoid.

    Many thanks in advance,

  • #2
    Far as I know, if you're using the main max matte shad material, vray won't support it as an element. You have to use vray materials only for predictable render passes.


    • #3
      Originally posted by joconnell
      Far as I know, if you're using the main max matte shad material, vray won't support it as an element. You have to use vray materials only for predictable render passes.
      Thanks for the hint, but that's not the problem. I'm using a VrayMaterialWrapper matte with a VrayMaterial as base material.


      • #4
        You can right click on any object and set that up in the Vray properties roll out. Shadows are off by default.
        Two heads are better than one ...
        ....but some head is better than none.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by mike_kennedy
          You can right click on any object and set that up in the Vray properties roll out. Shadows are off by default.
          Just to clarify things: the matte material is set up properly, the shadows render fine and are visible in the full render. They just don't appear in the VrayShadows render element.

          btw. the same goes for the GI render element (and most likely others), which makes render elements quite useless in conjunction with matte objects.

          A little sample scene can be found here:

          The scene consists of a sphere on a plane with a matte material and uses a single vray light for illumination. The spheres shadow is visible in the render, but the VrayShadows render element is absolutely black.

          I´m still hoping that I just missed something, but I really can't imagine what this might be...

