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dissapearing geometry between rendered frames

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  • dissapearing geometry between rendered frames

    I've got a relatively simple scene of a vehicle driving down a short stretch of highway. I'm getting some rather odd results in my rendered frames. There are several stretches in the sequence where only the tires get rendered and all other scene geometry is ignored. For example in one 270 frame sequence, frames 70-95, 119-122 and frame 147, only the tires of the vehicle get rendered?? Looking at the network render log, it isn't just one node rendering these odd frames, they all are doing it although some much more than others.
    Cud this be a memory issue? Any ideas? Please help. I would post some screen grabs but I can't since this case is still pending.

  • #2
    could be a texture issue, i.e. failed to read the texture.
    I suggest to try to render with a grey vray mat as an override and see if the entire thing renders. If yes, then modify your textures...i.e. if you have them very heavy in memory.
    also could be bad geometry? is the car made of nurbs? is it being tesselated at render time? this also could be an issue...
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Check if any of the geometry is being loaded from an external source, like XRefs, VRay proxies, etc...

      If so, then it's a networking issue as the rendernodes can't get the geometry files.


      • #4
        thanks for the responses. there aren't any xrefs or proxies in the scene.
        upon further inspection of the monitor logs it seems it is a memory issue. On one particular sequence all of the problem frames have a corresponding "JPEG - Memory Error". It would make sense if it had memory issues with a particular texture to not render that object i suppose...but its odd that it ignores the entire scene except the tires. Its also pretty strange that it is doing it at random frames because the bulk of the sequence renders fine.

