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Changing to Vray renderer crashes VIZ 2007

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  • Changing to Vray renderer crashes VIZ 2007

    I have Viz 2007 on my machine with SP 1 installed. I have got Vray 1.5 R3 installed now, and am having to use the software dongle.

    Now I received the software dongle a while ago, but have only just switched over to 1.5 due to current jobs etc..

    I have managed to get everything up and running in viz, all the plugins load correctly, and I can go to the render dialogue where I choose my renderer.

    However, when I choose, "assign render" and get the list of 3, as soon as I choose Vray 1.5, I get a crash, unhandled exception and chucked out with the option of saving my file.

    So I am stuck..?

    Any clues would be great...


    "The temperature inside this apple pie is over 1000 degrees. If I squeeze it, a jet of molten bramley apple will squirt out. Could go your way; could go mine. Either way, one of us is going down!!!!"

    Alan Partridge

  • #2
    OK.. Obviously I may not have explained this very well..

    I have been using Vray 1.47 with Viz 2006. I have not upgraded sooner as 1 job was running into another etc.. and some continuity was needed.

    I made my application for a dongle way back last year.. Still not received one yet, but gather a lot of people havent.

    So, I am trying to use the software dongle that was emailed to me. Now, I have got the main Vray 1.5 r3 for Max 8, as I understand this is the one for Viz 2007.

    Viz starts up OK.. all the plugins load no problem, and Viz starts up as I would expect. The problem starts when I open the render dialogue tab, and go to the "assign renderer" roll out.

    I get presented with the usual 2, MR and the VNU ( i think..) renderer, and the now new Vray 1.5. I can choose the other 2 without error. But when I choose the Vray 1.5, it starts to change to that renderer, but before it finishes loading, I get a main Viz crash, with an unhandled exception, a chance to save any work, and then chucked out..?

    I have no clue what is causing it.. If anyone does have any clues or things I could try, I would greatly appreciate it..

    Many thanks in advance...

    "The temperature inside this apple pie is over 1000 degrees. If I squeeze it, a jet of molten bramley apple will squirt out. Could go your way; could go mine. Either way, one of us is going down!!!!"

    Alan Partridge


    • #3
      With RC3, there is no need to copy any cgauth.dll over the installation. If you reinstall V-Ray and choose the "software licensing" option it will be fine.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4

        Thanks very much Vlado..
        "The temperature inside this apple pie is over 1000 degrees. If I squeeze it, a jet of molten bramley apple will squirt out. Could go your way; could go mine. Either way, one of us is going down!!!!"

        Alan Partridge

