Hello friends !
Today I've made more tests with the sun & sky system.
And I could see, that I always get some objects with "burned-out" colors.
Here is a simply test, showing this issue:

What would you suggest to avoid similar "burned-out colors" like you can see on the white teapot in the front ?
I've tried to lower the value from the sun - but if I continue lowering the value, I will loose my hard shadow from the sun.
@size multiplier:
I've also tried to increase the sun size multiplier - but it has much more effect on the shadows - they get softer with a higher amount.
I've increased the turbidity to 20, and o.k. the "burned-out color" is better, but I've lost my clear look, and the whole image looks a little bit pale.
@photon emit radius:
Well, I think this point, is the most unknown point, or value for me.
It doesn't matter which value I use, the render looks always the same....
Thank you for every little help, suggestions & comments,
Today I've made more tests with the sun & sky system.
And I could see, that I always get some objects with "burned-out" colors.
Here is a simply test, showing this issue:

What would you suggest to avoid similar "burned-out colors" like you can see on the white teapot in the front ?
I've tried to lower the value from the sun - but if I continue lowering the value, I will loose my hard shadow from the sun.
@size multiplier:
I've also tried to increase the sun size multiplier - but it has much more effect on the shadows - they get softer with a higher amount.
I've increased the turbidity to 20, and o.k. the "burned-out color" is better, but I've lost my clear look, and the whole image looks a little bit pale.
@photon emit radius:
Well, I think this point, is the most unknown point, or value for me.
It doesn't matter which value I use, the render looks always the same....

Thank you for every little help, suggestions & comments,