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  • HDR+Background

    Hello everyone

    I was wondering how you guys go about assembling a scene with a hdri on a domelight if you want the same HDRI as background. I am talking here in particular 180 skies (sky with black bottom part of hdri).
    The problem is that if i make my domelight visible i can see sometimes part of the black border and if i put the same HDRI in my environment as background (with domelight invisible) it is not exaclty the same as when my dome light is visible. I also tried putting the hdri on a sphere but rendering times are longer and the quality of the sky is somewhat poorer.

    Thanks in advance


  • #2
    Put it in the max environement slot and set the vray environement override, that way its just use for a BG and not for casting light.

    Since its a 180, you will always see the black in some camera angles.. so you just need more terrain or lower camera angles

    Make sure your scene is at or above 0 on Z


    • #3
      Thanks a lot!!
      The thing is if i am using a domelight isn't the vray environment overwriting my dome light with the hDRI in it then?
      I also tried to put in a vary plane which works not too bad when my domelight is visible.



      • #4
        no, the HDRI that you want as the BG should be in the MAX enviroment slot. then you enable the vray override (and leave it empty) and set the skylight to 0.0 that way the max env wont cast any light and neither will the vray one and just the domelight will be used for lighting.

        Atleast thats how I believe it to work..


        • #5
          Cool trick!!!
          thanks a lot I appriciate it very much and also that fast


          • #6
            heheh thats ok mate.

            Hopefully it works


            • #7
              Originally posted by DaForce View Post
              no, the HDRI that you want as the BG should be in the MAX enviroment slot. then you enable the vray override (and leave it empty) and set the skylight to 0.0 that way the max env wont cast any light and neither will the vray one and just the domelight will be used for lighting.

              Atleast thats how I believe it to work..
              Old thread... just wanted to check if this is still the way to go?
              Kind Regards,

