Hey Guys,
I am having an issue with the light intentity for VRaylights. It is my wish to use the Vray physical camera in conjuction with Vray lights that are based on photometric units for my renders. To determe the proper exposure, film ISO, and f/stop for my physical camera, I use one of many online exposure calculators (like this one http://www.robert-barrett.com/photo/...alculator.html)
When I began to use Vray lights in my scene I began to notice that light intensity in the render were very high even to the physical intensity of the light that is specified is very low. I decided to do a little experiment. I wanted to see the difference between the intensity of a Vray light and an IES light. I know the lighting distribution will not be the same but the brightness of the room should be on the same order. My physical camera settings are as follows:
f/stop = 1.4
shutter speed = 1/15s
film speed = 100
This corresponds to the prescribed exposure settings for an night home interior with average lighting.
I chose an IES light with 825 lm output (see below)

There exists six of these lights mounted on the ceiling of this room. This is the resulting render

I set up the same scene using six ceiling mounted VRaylights each set to 825 lumens in lieu of the IES lights. Everything else including the camera exposure settings are the same. Here is the result

To me, the intensity of the VRaylight is way off. What's going wrong?
I am having an issue with the light intentity for VRaylights. It is my wish to use the Vray physical camera in conjuction with Vray lights that are based on photometric units for my renders. To determe the proper exposure, film ISO, and f/stop for my physical camera, I use one of many online exposure calculators (like this one http://www.robert-barrett.com/photo/...alculator.html)
When I began to use Vray lights in my scene I began to notice that light intensity in the render were very high even to the physical intensity of the light that is specified is very low. I decided to do a little experiment. I wanted to see the difference between the intensity of a Vray light and an IES light. I know the lighting distribution will not be the same but the brightness of the room should be on the same order. My physical camera settings are as follows:
f/stop = 1.4
shutter speed = 1/15s
film speed = 100
This corresponds to the prescribed exposure settings for an night home interior with average lighting.
I chose an IES light with 825 lm output (see below)

There exists six of these lights mounted on the ceiling of this room. This is the resulting render

I set up the same scene using six ceiling mounted VRaylights each set to 825 lumens in lieu of the IES lights. Everything else including the camera exposure settings are the same. Here is the result

To me, the intensity of the VRaylight is way off. What's going wrong?