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3d displacment crash

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  • #16
    can u tell me what sot of max and sps or extensions have u got installed?
    teabag studios


    • #17
      max9 32bit, productivity booster revision 3 installed.
      And installed the max9 beta of color correct to open your file as well.

      thats all.


      • #18
        ive got sps on one machine and productivity booster on another one which i am rendering from now...we wil se how it goes
        teabag studios


        • #19
          good luck dude

          well im heading out for the night. Will check back tomorrow.


          • #20
            thanks!!!! ...and have fun!!!
            hope the other comp wont spoil my mood

            talk to u later

            teabag studios



            • #21
              right.....tried on another comp, crashed even sooner than the other....

              1/4 way tzhrough the first pass of IRRAD map...the render window said that it is unloading geometry and it crashed to the system....although the system was using only 1.6 gigs

              now that is bloody weird this...

              This is the max error report:
              Application: 3ds Max Version: 3ds Max 9 - 64 bits Error: Unhandled Exception

              can it be max related rather than vray?
              teabag studios



              • #22
                Daforce, I have looked at the scene and it has crashed for me; check your scene the displacement is unchecked in global options. Thats why its rendering for you.
                Im going to pick at it some more.
                Dmitry Vinnik
                Silhouette Images Inc.


                • #23
                  After further evaluating a scene here is what I concluded:

                  There is a tonn of double geometry in the scene; That there is another copy of that model in the same scene. Triple geometry? could be... The scene it self without textures and gi and displacement takes 1.7 gb of memory at render time. This is way too much for something simple. Which proves yet again that this scene is very messed up and dirty.
                  I have exported the main piece with the brick walls, quickly cleaned it up, and what do you know...its rendering with displacement and gi...
                  I suggest you clean out your scene and re set it up.
                  Having 24 min samples in global rQMC sampler and on the vray sun is not a good idea eather. Render times can be long because of it.
                  Dmitry Vinnik
                  Silhouette Images Inc.


                  • #24
                    hello morbid, could u please tell me which parts of the model were tripple geometry? as i dont see it really...will look at it now though to see if i am an idion or not..........however ....could it be because of the cad i imported to model from?...i usually get issues when i do not export the model from the scene where i use the cad files as blueprints....?
                    teabag studios



                    • #25
                      youre not considering the thin shells applied on top of internal walls as double geometry r u?....i know it is not the best way to model, but it sure is not double geom...
                      teabag studios



                      • #26
                        one more thing if u would be so kind morbid could u tell me whats messes up in the scene that it takes so much ram? i know i am using large textures, as i will be rendering out very high res image, but apart fromthat ...what could be making the scene so ram hungry?

                        thanks a lot

                        teabag studios



                        • #27
                          Right, cleaned up the scene as morbid suggested:
                          exported the geometry i modeled which got rid of all the layers and data that remained in the scene from the imported cad file

                          got rid of those shells which morbid thought was double geometry

                          3. checked every single object in the scene for any double geometry that might have been there.

                          renders fine now....but still as morbid said the scene renders at 2k width using 1.7gigs of it really that much considering that i have 100 megs of textures there? if it is too much...what can be done to reduce it modellingwise and in the render setup (i have displacment on, DE etc.)?

                          speaking of those 24 min subdivs in rQMC....why is it too much? ive read a long time ago that it is an ideal value...have i missed something since then? have tried to read somthing about it now on the support page, but those two lines dont make much sense to me in a bigger extent?

                          do u guys have any suggestions for me for above? any usefull tips for future scenes, cad imports etc?

                          THANK YOU both for your precious time, i really appreciate it )))

                          best regards

                          teabag studios



                          • #28
                            ahhh shit.

                            Sorry mate, i DO apologise for stuffing up the renders.

                            I assumed that the scene you had provided was good to go, so I didnt even think to check to see that displacement was unticked.



                            • #29
                              well the general rule for universal settings is that you do not touch anything exept a few settings in global settings:
                              qmc sampler 1/xx
                              rqmc sampler thresh 0.001-0.005
                              this should be enough to perform a very good sampling solution.
                              However if you have lights set to have minimum samples of 24, this means that vray will force to do even more tracing for those lights, slowing down the render time.
                              Dmitry Vinnik
                              Silhouette Images Inc.


                              • #30
                                Daforce: not to worry, my fault i should have told u...i forgot i left it off.....thanks for your kind help as always ))))

                                Morbid angel: ok thanks. does this rule involve subdivs in material editor?
                                teabag studios


