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Strange result with pre-calculated IRR and LC in my anim.

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  • Strange result with pre-calculated IRR and LC in my anim.


    There is my informations:
    - I have 6 cameras panning from frame 0 to 300 in each rooms. (total 1800 frames)
    - I have calculated each camera IRR and LC and saved it to a separated file at every 10th frames. So 6 IRR files and 6 LC files.
    - After that I calculated all animation frames with the saved IRR and LC to have fast render time (between 3 to 15 minutes by frame).
    - I'm on VRay 1.5 RC5 and Max9 32bits

    Only some of the frames have strange result not all.
    Always at the beginning or at the end of the animation.
    Can't figure out what's causing this.

    Need HELP !!!!

    Frames have been rendered with a medium low resolution just for client approbation so image doesn't look very good.

    There is 4 frames you can see the problem.

    OZRAY, 2009.

  • #2
    Have you tried just storing your LIGHT CACHE with your Irradiance map by checking "store direct light" and just saving out the IMAPs? instead of having both separated? It might help to know if it's just a light cache on it's own issue or if it still occurs when it's stored with the imap.
    Colin Senner


    • #3
      that looks like a fairly typical bad irradiance map.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        Looks like missing samples, how did you generate the imaps, are they from an animation? Also are you using camera correction?/ If so you should uncheck the "Shade Context Compatibility"
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          MoonDoggie > I was thinking that I need to have a separeated LC cause Im using (Use LC for glossy rays)... ??? My Store Direct Ligth is also checked. I can give it a try to see.

          percydaman > Hummm Calculated every 10th frames for each cam...

          RErender > Yes, I first rendered at every 10th frames all the 6 animations without redering the final images. Then loaded the IRR and LC files to render the final images....

          OZRAY, 2009.


          • #6
            you can use light cache for glossy rays and still have it stored with the imap too. The pattern though seems to just be as percy said a bad imap, is there any rhythm or rhyme to the bad frames? Are they all drawing from the same framed imap?
            Colin Senner


            • #7
              Maybe lower LC sample size ? OR use QMC instead.
              I just can't seem to trust myself
              So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
              CG Artist


              • #8
                The problem is that every 10th frame for your IR calc, is just not enough in some areas. As the camera moves and calcs the IR map on the 10th frame its missing areas. Try say 5 or 2.
                You just need to get some IR samples in those areas, which you could do via scrubbing the time slider until those places are in focus and then just run a single frame IR calc and it will add it to the map (as long as you keep the same settings you used to calc the first time)

                Also to clear a few things up. The LC (or QMC for that matter) is always stored in the IR map no matter what you do. Ticking store direct light just does similar to what the vray light option does for storing them in the irmap. Lower quality but faster to render.
                I would not suggest it for a quality render. And ticking it certain doesnt have anything to do with the LC being stored in the IR map.

                And im certain that you need a seperate LC file to be able to use the "use LC for glossy rays" option.


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone I will do some test based on what you sayd.

                  Thank DaForce for the clear explaination.
                  I will recalculate at every 5 and 2 frames to see the difference.

                  Will let you all know the result.

                  OZRAY, 2009.


                  • #10
                    Not a problem. Thought it need some clearing up

                    I would say instead of just re-doing the whole thing. Try just re-doing those few frames which are missing the info. As that will be FAR quicker than redoing the whole lot

                    Then if that doesnt work you can do the whole lot again.

