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VRayProxy not working with 1.50.00

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  • VRayProxy not working with 1.50.00

    I got my dongle today, YES! At last! Super thrilled. Installation went very easy. I opened up a scene I was working on in rc3 and the rendering went from 12 minutes to 9 minutes. Still awesome.

    Then, I opened a scene for a nightclub that has too many vray proxy objects to mention. The scene went from 2 mil polys to 7.5 mil polys. I started a new scene and created a simple box object and converted it to vraymesh. I instanced it around a few times and it increased the poly count each time. I'm not sure if this is a bug or something unique to my computer.

  • #2
    1.5 and Proxy

    I am experiencing the same issue with proxy's and displacement. I have a scene that has 1/8 of the amount of proxy's that will not render in 1.5 then one I had done last month in the beta.
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #3
      I hope they can get this fixed simply. I have a huge job I'm starting that will rely on proxies. I don't want to go back to rc3


      • #4
        Woah thats bad.
        Tim Nelson


        • #5
          Have you tried increasing the Dynamic memory limit?

          Or perhaps try changing the "default geometry" type to "auto"
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            The scene went from 2 mil polys to 7.5 mil polys.
            Where does it display this, in the on screen statistcs (i.e. press '7')? Does the scene behave slower for you or just like before? How is it for rendering? I'd normally expect the proxies to add to the scene poly's so this doesn't suprise me but maybe in previous versions vray proxies didn't add to the on screen statistics (just a guess).

            Can someone try this in a pre 1.5 version and see what happens?

            P.S. Got your email. Good time .
   - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dlparisi
              The scene went from 2 mil polys to 7.5 mil polys.
              Where does it display this, in the on screen statistcs (i.e. press '7')? Does the scene behave slower for you or just like before? How is it for rendering?
              It shows it in the screen statistics. The scene was slow even at 2 mil polys, however it takes forever at transforming vertices with 7.5 mil as opposed to 2 mil. That's my perception. I need to reinstall rc3 and do an actual test to see for sure. In the mean time I would like to see what Vlado has to say.


              • #8
                He's at siggy atm, i reckon

                As a side note, noticing that proxies are now a "proper" max object (showing in the asset tracker) they may now count towards the scene polys total.
                Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                • #9
                  Ok, it's not the vrayproxy objects. They render fine when exported to a different file. It's the scene geometry that jumped from 2 mil polys to 6 mil polys. The vrayproxy objects are 1.5 mil polys. On my other machine, with rc 3 installed the scene has 2 mil polys and it renders fine.

                  edit: I just found more proxys in some groups that I deleted from the test file. I got it back down to 2 mil proxies but it is still hanging at transforming vertices. I opened the windows task manager and it's at 1% CPU usage.

                  I'm so confused.

                  edit again:
                  Ok, I tried rendering another scene that has tons of proxies. On 1.50.00 it reads over 8 mil polys, on rc 3 it reads 1.8 mil polys. This is a scene with about 300 chaise loungers, 150 cafe tables and umbrellas and tons of other pool related stuff. It's going fine on 1.50.00 so I guess it's just the geometry in the other file that's causing the error.

                  If you can help, Vlado, that's great. Otherwise, if I need to rerender something for that job I'll just reinstall rc 3. Party on Wayne, party on Garth.


                  • #10
                    The transforming vertices was a bug in RC3 AFAIK. but was fixed in all newer builds, the final as well according to the change log.

                    does it stick on transforming vertices if you lower the poly count? or only when its up real high.


                    • #11
                      Transforming vertices a bug - if I had of known

                      Wow - I had no idea that was a bug, I just finished a really heavy scene with 1200 cubes, they couldn't be proxies or instances because they all had individual mapping, the damn machine as driving me up the wall with the that transforming vertices window, I presumed it was because there where so many objects - I was using of course RC3 - so excited that was a bug, unless of course it has come back, in which case I'm bummed.


                      • #12
                        Oops, sorry for the false alarm. I converted all of the geometry to editable poly and now it renders fine.

                        By the way, does anyone know if there's a way to not make vray proxy show up in the statistics? I like knowing how big my scene would have been had I not used proxies but I would like to know what my actual poly count is.


                        • #13
                          hahaha well RC3 and backwards never used to count the proxies towards towards the scene stats. I believe it was only added to the final.


                          • #14
                            I have to admit I always wondered how large my scenes would be if I didn't use proxies. Now I know.


                            • #15
                              Yeah I think it was me who actually asked Vlado to include it ages ago.

                              ... yep.. well kinda

