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dual quad core going down

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  • dual quad core going down

    i have a big problem over here, my new machine, a dual quad core after receive a huge render goes down, all the cores except one stop to work and just one keeps in 100% . but nothings happens after that. I would like to know if there are another users who have already passed by a similasr problem and got a solution for that.

    thanks in advance for any help.

    natal - brazil

  • #2
    could be a voltage issue...try raising the voltage
    teabag studios


    • #3
      Be very very carefull about the voltage.. to much and ZAP.. all gone. But you should be able to go up atleast .1 or so safely. Wouldnt hurt to look around first

      Before raising the voltage I would suggest trying to find something other than 3dsmax that can stress all the cores of your cpus.
      There are apps like prime95 and superpi that will do it, but they may only do 1 core.
      Abit of googling will help.

      Whats are the temps like on your cpus?


      • #4
        if its just going down to 1 core then it sounds like some single threaded process is running. It could be just max trying to save the frame out or it could be max unloading geometry/maps.
        Chris Jackson


        • #5
          well, i dont think this is a voltage problem because i am using a very huge font, seventeam 750w and it didnt happens always. One thing i realized was that my decimal division was point and not comma, i switch it and the problem seems to desapeared, i am still doing new tests to assure about that.
          thanks for the replay guys.
          natal - brazil


          • #6
            actually i just fugured out that it wasnt the problem as well.... i realized taht when i play with the system switching between dinamic and static and the size there i can render... the weird is that in my other machine with also 4 gb of ram ( core2duo 6600 ) i can render the same image that isnt possible to be rendered at the dual quad... sobody has one tip why this is ocurring?
            natal - brazil


            • #7
              Only today I discovered that having filtering set to summed area for some textures can slow down renders in Max64bit on XP64bit on a dual quad core (5355 with 16GB Ram). I get a total performance between 25-50% in both LC, IRR and final rendering. The same scene is 100% in Max32bit.When switching all filtering to none or pyramidal the scene renders at 100% in Max64bit also. Seems to be a bug in Max, not in VRay...


              • #8
                I vaguely remember one of the filtering types slowing down any render.
                Cant recall if it was summed area or pyramidal. It was the one that wasnt the default and obviously not none. (havnt got max available at the moment to check)


                • #9
                  Same kind of problem here. Dual quad crashing when rendering.
                  I have 8GB ram, so I don't think it's memory problem.
                  I'm rendering quite simple particle scene. If I render it using static geometry
                  everything works fine, but if I change it to auto, the computer will crash at
                  some point. Not Max, no bluescreen, the wholecomputer goes straight to reboot.

                  Is there any info how auto mode is working?
                  It does automaticly what?

                  My setup:
                  Max 9 64bit - productivity booster
                  V-Ray 1.5 64bit
                  XP 64bit - 8GB ram - dual quad core

                  Lasse Kilpia
                  VFX Artist
                  Post Control Helsinki


                  • #10
                    straight to reboot

                    Me thinks something aint quite right with your PC. Nothing in vray or max could cause it to do that.
                    Might be worthwhile running memtest86 to ensure your memory is 100% ok.


                    • #11
                      its the filter type which isnt default that slows down vray... well.. it causes vray to use a lot more ram and can crash in my experience.

                      and i think that is only with the default scanline material - which you shouldnt be using anyway as that slows things down anyway.


                      • #12
                        is it still under so send it back?


                        • #13
                          i might send back vray because the problem isnt at the pc .... when i make changes at dinamic memory adjust it works as fast as possible. The bad thing is that i dont have or i dont know how to evaluete if one render will need 400, 800, 2000 or 3000 of dinamic memory so i've got to send a lot of renderings and wait each by one crash until figure out wich is the best configuration for the image, so, after a lot of frustating tests i can render my job.
                          natal - brazil

