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Max crashing with new vray?

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  • #31
    i solved my problem - nothing to do with vray

    hardware problem, a heatsink on my video card memory had come detached. (i have water cooling with multiple little memory heat sinks)



    • #32
      I'm thinking it's max/vray because this only started to happen after installing 1.5.00....


      • #33
        Originally posted by voltron7
        I'm thinking it's max/vray because this only started to happen after installing 1.5.00....
        I was thinking about this more last night...and I tend to agree. I've never had max quit on me like this before 1.5.00.


        • #34
          No nor me?


          • #35
            I was able to let max sit for 2 hours this morning without crashing, but I had the software video drivers running. I'll test this with DirectX again on the same scene. I know we've had DirectX bugs fixes in the past with Vray...maybe there is something new going on here with 1.5.


            • #36
              Hi Guys,
              I'm also getting a lot of crashes with the new 1.5 in max 9....I'm almost convinced it's got something to do with starting and stoping the vray spawner on the DR slave machines especially when I've cancelled a render for whatever reason.


              Oh 1.5 rc3 hardly ever crashed definetly a 1.5 issue


              • #37
                Originally posted by tdarcy
                Hi Guys,
                I'm also getting a lot of crashes with the new 1.5 in max 9....I'm almost convinced it's got something to do with starting and stoping the vray spawner on the DR slave machines especially when I've cancelled a render for whatever reason.


                Oh 1.5 rc3 hardly ever crashed definetly a 1.5 issue
                I posted the same 'bug' in another thread. Look at the 'DR causing max to crash' or something similar. Whenever you cancel or even let a render complete, then exit and restart the spawner on a slave machine, the workstation in which max is running, crashes. It is a reproduceable bug that happens every time. I have posted a scene with a detailed procedure. I'm just hoping the folks here can get a fix for it soon. In the meantime, stop exiting your spawners! LOL (I'm kidding, I have to stop it sometimes too, and BAM! crash).

                Waiting patiently...


                • #38
                  So, let me try to summarize the crash cases:

                  1) Crashes when 3ds Max is left idle, mostly with DirectX (which 3ds Max version??) (btw this has been confirmed to happen on installations without V-Ray installed)
                  2) Crashes when restarting spawner on DR slaves (this should be easy to fix, see below for a work-around); [edit] this is now fixed in our code already
                  3) Crashes when loading (not rendering) older scenes; (please email me these if you have them)
                  4) Crashes when there is a delay in responding to the new settings dialog when loading an old scene (which 3ds Max version?) (should be easy to fix if it's a V-Ray thing, and not 3ds Max issue)
                  5) Crashes when rendering scenes with renderable splines; (should be easy to fix); [edit] this is now fixed in our code already
                  6) Random crashes when opening the Material Editor, Rendering or other things (actually this may be the same as 2, if there are other machines in the network, and someone else starts a spawner or bb rendering on the network).

                  Are there issues different than the above ones?

                  For the number 2) issue (and #6, just in case), on the render slaves, you can try to set the environment variable VRAY_DR_SUBNET to and see if the problem goes away - you can do this from the Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment variables.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #39

                    ive rebuilt my workstation, udated all drivers changed the environment variable, on all, and now seems to be fine, will let you know..


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by vlado
                      4) Crashes when there is a delay in responding to the new settings dialog when loading an old scene (which 3ds Max version?) (should be easy to fix if it's a V-Ray thing, and not 3ds Max issue)
                      Vlado: I'm on Max 9, 32 bit.
             - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by vlado
                        1) Crashes when 3ds Max is left idle, mostly with DirectX (which 3ds Max version??) (btw this has been confirmed to happen on installations without V-Ray installed)
                        I am on max 8 with a Quadro FX 4500.


                        • #42
                          We just installed 1.5 office wide yesterday and have had problems with #5, renderable spines. Vlado, when do you think the fix will be released?
                          Tim Nelson


                          • #43
                            You can email me if you would like the fix; otherwise it will be included in the service pack in the beginning of October.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #44
                              We are still crashing all over the place.... maybe 10 crashes a day ... we upgraded to max9 and still the same .. updated graphics drivers .. thought it was ok but started again .. its odd we will have 2 machines crash exactly at the same time ? is this a dongle problem ? its causing some real headache's ..


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by natty
                                We are still crashing all over the place.... maybe 10 crashes a day ... we upgraded to max9 and still the same .. updated graphics drivers .. thought it was ok but started again .. its odd we will have 2 machines crash exactly at the same time ? is this a dongle problem ? its causing some real headache's ..
                                There are two things that you can try: first is to try and revert to an older build on one or two machines, just for a test; second is to email me and get an updated build and see it makes things any better.

                                Best regards,
                                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

