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Refraction color, is this right?

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  • Refraction color, is this right?

    Is this color normal in refraction? I've worked on a rendering recently and while trying to create green tinted glass, my refractions did indeed end up being purple. Explanation?
    Dusan Bosnjak

  • #2
    Not sure why you are getting that color. Possibly it is because VRAY is looking for that color to set the refraction amount as a grayscale value, but I always use grayscale in the slot so I am not sure.

    You should be using fog color, I believe, to create colored glass. Change the fog color from white to the color you wish to use. Treat the multiplier as a 0 to 100% blend of that color with the highest value being 1 and use the Bias to adjust the color intensity.


    • #3
      Hi Pailhead,

      The result you have is correct. Your material has a grey diffuse colour so it reflects all colours of light equally. But when you put a green colour in the refract slot it allows the green light to pass through your object. That is why your shadow is green. Now because the green light has passed though the object there is less green light to bounce back into the camera so your object appears pinkish or magenta.

      Dan Brew

