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possible raycast errors?

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  • possible raycast errors?

    What does it mean: Scene bounding box is too large, possible raycast errors???

    What is cousing the problem and how can it be solved?

    ... the scene is street of houses and GI is IRR + Lightcache + Vray Sun ( only light source int the scene )

  • #2
    Well...that has to do with the nature of floating point calculations. Basically it boils down to the fact that the higher a floating point number is, the less accurate it is. So if you have a really big scene or a scene that is very far from the origin you get possibly raycasting errors. Usually that aint a problem at all and safe to ignore.



    • #3
      That's what I've been doing so far.

      Or maybe Vlado should drop some line to this.


      • #4
        This error can often cause render issues.

        Basically if the scene looks fine then you should be ok. However if your are able to solve the problem then that would be better. Say your vray sun is very far away from the scene for some reason try bringing it back alot closer. Just make things as close to 0,0,0 as possible.

        Also there is alot of info you could have found via searching. Might I suggest that for next time :0


        • #5
          Don't worry about this issue if you don't see any rendering errors. And it rarely actually causes perceptible errors.

          When it does, you can see it in DR or animations. In DR, everything will look fine except for refractive materials such as glass, where some buckets will appear darker than others. In animations, the same thing occurs essentially when one machine will render the glass in a certain frame darker than the others (and not consistently, i.e. not the same machine each time). This will create obvious flickering in just the glass.

          The easy fix is to scale the model down maybe 1/100th the size, just for rendering purposes.
          "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


          • #6
            The easy fix is to scale the model down maybe 1/100th the size, just for rendering purposes.
            Thanx for this usefull hint.


            • #7


              • #8
                Thanks for the link to Candeleros thread. I've read it probably five times in the past, and followed all the proposed suggestions, during the one time that the error actually caused problems. None of them worked.

                The only thing that did work was scaling the model down. Be careful if you have animations though, they don't scale with the model.
                "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Clifton Santiago
                  Thanks for the link to Candeleros thread. I've read it probably five times in the past, and followed all the proposed suggestions, during the one time that the error actually caused problems. None of them worked.

                  The only thing that did work was scaling the model down. Be careful if you have animations though, they don't scale with the model.
                  Re-scale world units
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    Or that
                    "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

