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  • RPC Hell HELP

    Hi all

    I know there have been a zillion posts reg rpc before but I cant quite find what I am looking for anywhere.

    I have a scene with loads of people and am using rpcs (any alternative out there?? would be super to try something else) I have no prob getting ok exposure and all that but the prob comes when rendering. Lightcache and memory goes through the roof!

    I know there are other posts about this but I am wondering if there is anyone that has got a method for how to do the rpcs in a separate pass and somehow get the shadows they cast and the lighting of the scene included (ie light and shadows falling on them)???

    What do you guys do when you have big scenes like a large city square full of people?



  • #2
    I don't. Use 3d people w/motion blur.
    "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


    • #3
      Would u use that even for still images?


      • #4
        i would also recommand 3d people, make proxy's of them and you can use loads
        My Homepage :


        • #5
          Yes, 3d people for stills. I use the motion blur so they don't look as bad. I often do it in post.

          I've been meaning to try out the axyz animated, rigged people in an animation sometime, but haven't yet.

          Actually, the best thing would be Massive, if you have about £10k.
          "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


          • #6
            cheers clifton

            i'll see what can be done following your suggestion
            rpcs are starting to drive me loopy
            are you using the axyz people or could you recommend any other 3d-people libraries for mass-scenes

            not sure about massive
            economy here is in the negative but can always ask the client to invest in me


            • #7
              Yeah, I like axyz people best. I also have a couple libraries from got3d which are okay. Avoid Dosch 3d people.

              Massive is fantastic. I saw it at Siggraph this year. Its so easy to populate a scene with intelligent AI people. It would be perfect for populating an urban flythrough. Its what they used for the AI for the characters in Lord of the Rings.

              Oh, and it just came out on Windows. The stripped-down version is $6000 and full version $20 k. Its a separate application though and you would have to composite your people into your scene.
              "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


              • #8
                yeah have seen massive in action in Return of the King etc. would love to see what happens my computer when i try to animate and render 500 000 orcs. Does the rendering go through massive? Always thought it was a plugg for Maya / Renderman

                Had a look at axyz and got3d, looks ok as long as you dont get too close up. Do you norm have to re-texture them for vray or are they ready to go. Also is there a good way to quickly mass-add them to a scene like rpc proxy.

                Double Cheers



                • #9
                  At siggraph Massive looked self-contained, but I could be wrong...

                  AXYZ also has HD people, but there are currently only two (or last time I checked)

                  What I've done in the past, is get about 20 or so people, and then use Scatter to distribute them over the site, one at a time. It doesn't have collision detection though, so be careful.

                  You could use particle systems or maybe even the crowd system, though I've never tried the latter. You need something that supports multiple particles or agents, for each of the people models.

                  I usually just do it manually or scatter...
                  "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                  • #10
                    and a new site that is just online
                    My Homepage :


                    • #11
                      hmm... some of those people look like they have radiation sickness

                      Though they do look better than these people:


                      You can't tell from the site, but these people look bad, even at long distance.
                      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                      • #12
                        cheers pixelstudio and clifton
                        thanks for the help


                        • #13
                          you can download a free model at lavitaz to try out. may7be that will give you a better idea of the quality
                          My Homepage :


                          • #14
                            Re: RPC Hell HELP

                            Originally posted by tbny
                            I have a scene with loads of people and am using rpcs (any alternative out there?? would be super to try something else) I have no prob getting ok exposure and all that but the prob comes when rendering. Lightcache and memory goes through the roof!
                            You can basically exclude from the GI calcs since they don't use it anyways. Just select all of the RPC's and uncheck "Visible to GI" in the vray properties window. This should solve most of your memory problems but you should prob consider 3d people as the others have suggested to solve your other problems.
                   - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                            • #15
                              cheers i'll try that one. It should solve the lightcache problem anyway

                              Just looking here at the last 3d-world mag Architectural Visualisation Special that came out a while back.
                              On the cover is an image done by Designhive in UK with a fair amount of people. Would love to know if that was all done in post

