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Distributed rendering with backburner

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  • Distributed rendering with backburner

    Does this just not work, or do I need to do something fancy to get it going?

    I sent down an irradiance map using 4 other machines too, but I can only see 4 buckets (normally 8 on just that machine) and my render times are a joke so I dont think its worked.

  • #2
    Another one of lifes great mysteries?


    • #3
      I would love to see a full tutorial on setting this up. It would have been VERY useful over the weekend having all my machines running together on a single image with others waiting in a queue.

      Its always better to have 1 complete image rather than 5 incomplete!


      • #4
        What version of V-Ray?
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          1.5, the newest.


          • #6
            Something fishy is happening when u try DR through Backburner.
            First of all, all the machines u want to be involved in the distributed rendering must be ticked on the DR dialog under system not sure if even your own machine, but i add it just in case.

            Let´s assume u want to render an animation. Then, once u send the render to all depends on the machine which picks it first...but in my experience, it looks like a single machine can be working at the same time in 2 frames, one on its own, and the other one, just helping the DR client...not great. Render will probably crash if the scene is too complex....besides rendertimes will be terrible.

            If u try a single frame, it seems that:

            A) If the machine which picks the backburner task has a full Vray license, it will use all the DR servers available. Some can be added in midrender too...great!

            B) If the machine which picks the backburner task has a render slave vray installation, it starts rendering on its own and never will be helped by other computers. These will be just sitting idle. Which makes all DR for single frames pretty useless, since no render node will have a full license.

            That has been my experience so far. Any other experiments?
            My Youtube VFX Channel -
            Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
            Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


            • #7
              But I turn the backburner servers off on the ones ive got in my DR list and just send it to one machine, so your problem shouldnt be an issue for me.

              If I render it on my machine, it picks it up, but if I go through BB, single frame mode with the same setup, doesnt pick them up.


              • #8
                Originally posted by panthon
                B) If the machine which picks the backburner task has a render slave vray installation, it starts rendering on its own and never will be helped by other computers. These will be just sitting idle. Which makes all DR for single frames pretty useless, since no render node will have a full license.

                That has been my experience so far. Any other experiments?
                I confirm that. I tried that and didn't got any other result than you. Maybe it has to be explained further by vlado ?

                If you need a full licence on the bacburner server to make it work, I don't understand the purpose of this function, since the full license computers are usually the workstations...

                The only thing I see is when you have to render a single image with maximuum buckets, and when you need to render it via backburner on your local workstation to avoid memory crash... which doesn't happen very often ;(
                Philippe Steels
                Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


                • #9
                  I would like to see an explaination on how to set this up myself. We have one workstation (full license) and 3 slaves but when I tried DR through BB it didn't work.

                  Does the BB server have to be running on all slaves along with the spawner etc? A step by step guide would be nice...
                  Or maybe add it to the Online Reference?
         - Online portfolio (temporarily offline)
                  / AMD Phenom X4 @ 3.00Ghz / ATI HD 4890 / 8Gb Ram /
                  / Vista Ultimate x64 / Max 2010 / Vray 1.5 SP3a Edu /
                  / Intel Core2Quad Q9450 @ 2.66Ghz /
                  Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 / 8Gb Ram /
                  / Vista Bussines x64 /


                  • #10
                    I get the same problem.

                    I start a render in backburner on my master machine with a full Vray licence.

                    The DR server are in the DR list, I start the spawner on all machines, and send the render.

                    The master machine is computing the light cache, but other do noting. And when it come to the orrad map, all the servers start, but they do wrong irrad map rendering and I get white buckets.

                    Is anyone have this issue too?

                    Julien Marpault
                    Artistic Director


                    • #11
                      You can try and download the V-Ray service pack from the support section on the site; it should solve this issue.

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12

                        Julien Marpault
                        Artistic Director

