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3ds max saves each time I press render

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  • 3ds max saves each time I press render

    I have no idea what just happened :/

    20 minuet ago all was perfect, when suddenly max flipped on me - now every time I press render button (be it the teapot or [RENDER]) max SAVES THE SCENE

    I don't have to tell what pain it is, when you have very large file and want to do some test renders of one object or one part of that scene, and every 15 seconds max freezes and saves the file - for another 10 seconds :/

    Can anyone here tell me what is happening? I have not found an answer in area.autodesk, and don't see any option or setting that would trigger this behaviuor in max itself...
    the purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
    the purpose of an architect is to flip out and design for people.
    ________________________ /

  • #2
    LOL nevermind - I got it

    I had DR enabled, and it seems that max saves the file each time it starts the render so it can send the latest state to the render nodes....

    silly me
    the purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
    the purpose of an architect is to flip out and design for people.
    ________________________ /


    • #3
      hehe...we actually had this scripted in, to prevent scene loss if max would crash at render and user forgot to save.
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #4
        and thank goodness you did, it's saved me before.
        Colin Senner


        • #5
          Originally posted by Morbid Angel
          hehe...we actually had this scripted in, to prevent scene loss if max would crash at render and user forgot to save.
          Care to share? I'm very interested in this since we sometimes forget to save before render...
          They should rename the Quick Render button to Crash Max.
 - Online portfolio (temporarily offline)
          / AMD Phenom X4 @ 3.00Ghz / ATI HD 4890 / 8Gb Ram /
          / Vista Ultimate x64 / Max 2010 / Vray 1.5 SP3a Edu /
          / Intel Core2Quad Q9450 @ 2.66Ghz /
          Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 / 8Gb Ram /
          / Vista Bussines x64 /


          • #6
            I have the same issue although it seems to save it doesn't send the last scene to the other render nodes so they end up rendering the previous camera view creating a mosaic of the last and previous buckets all mixed up.

            This is a major problem when using Incremental save since it doesn't save the file in the project directory (if it really saves it?) If you then have a crash and you try to open the last file from the File menu it obviously doesn't exist.

            I'm trying to see if it helps unticking incremental saves...
            Max 8 SP3
            V-Ray 1.5 SP2
            WinXP SP3
            Dual Xeon 3.4GHz
            2GB RAM


            • #7
              Originally posted by DrJan
              Originally posted by Morbid Angel
              hehe...we actually had this scripted in, to prevent scene loss if max would crash at render and user forgot to save.
              Care to share? I'm very interested in this since we sometimes forget to save before render...
              They should rename the Quick Render button to Crash Max.
              Morbid is saying that _they_ (read 'Vray') intentionally scripted in an autosave to the DR sending function, specifically for that reason.
              Colin Senner


              • #8
                nope...he is saying the "WE" (read Morbid) has scripted it hehehe



                • #9
                  the autosave into the DR function is also not specifically coded in for times when max crashes during save. it is coded is so that the DR slaves know what to render (how else would it know if the scene isnt saved)

                  u4ia i think there was somethng mentioned about your problem specifically keyed towards the incremental save function

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #10
                    Thought morbid was speaking on behalf of vray .
                    Colin Senner


                    • #11
                      Da_elf: I remember we used to have issues with DR and Incremental saves back when we used Viz. Never had a consistent problem with Max though. For some reason the problem only starts after vray has been installed and running for a month or so. When it does start though the problem is pretty constant until you reinstall vray.
                      Max 8 SP3
                      V-Ray 1.5 SP2
                      WinXP SP3
                      Dual Xeon 3.4GHz
                      2GB RAM

