your not getting enough skylight. And whats with the colored lights in the pool? Just make them white or slight warm tint.
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night scene
just put some hot chicks in there and you dont have to worry about shrinkage anymore...
oups, did i really say this
Maybe throw in a dim direct light for some moonlight. I think a simple way would be to have a VraySun high in the sky but a lower the multiplier and instead of using VraySky just use a spherical environment gradient map set to the colors you want for reflections and GI. you may want to use two separate maps so you can desaturate the GI.
I know this is an oldish post, but what happens when you want to do a timelapse scene (from nigh time, through daytime and then back to night time). Can you simply not just use a daylight system and animate the time for the sun. Will the sun (when below the horizon) go to darkness, or is this something extra you have to animate/tweak yourself to get it looking right, as Eric has to do in this scene ?