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high settings - splotchy & dots??

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  • #16
    I'm wondering if someone would like to send me a preset that should be fine - then I can narrow it down to geometry or material?? What do you think??

    Vray 1.50 sp1.

    Cheers Peter.


    • #17
      Try turning off your sun, and see if thats it. There is recent thread about spots caused by sun...
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #18
        I would say post your scene, but I wouldn't be able to look at it until late tomorrow...
        "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


        • #19
          Sun off - still spots??


          • #20
            What about doing an ambient occlusion pass to check to geometry? (vray light material with a vray dirt map as the colour, dropped into the override slot)

            If that's ok, go back to your mid-grey override material try turning on each light in turn to see where the problem is? If none of that works then I'm stumped. maybe it's something to do with the AutoCAD link?


            • #21
              Is this a standard camera with a camera correction modifier? If so, try turning the modifier off and rendering again

              EDIT: If you need the vertical shift, you can use the VRayPhysCam with exposure turned off, then just use the guess vertical shift to do the correction.
              Last edited by beestee; 26-02-2008, 12:18 PM.
              Ben Steinert


              • #22
                nope - vrayphysical camera no correction

                Vertical shift is not my problem - I need to get rid of those spots or go back to Maxwell for grayscale images, ooooh noooo! :-}
                Last edited by pshupe68; 26-02-2008, 02:35 PM.


                • #23
                  Have you tried resetting the IRR? Have you tried rendering from a slightly different camera angle or different camera altogether? Have you tried restarting the computer? Maybe delete the sun and put in a new one in the same position?

                  Sometimes these errors seem to be persistent even if the settings are corrected but not completely cleared from is a bit disconcerting when the problem can be inexplicably corrected. How about staniding on your head while sending the rendering
                  Ben Steinert


                  • #24
                    I've had dots before, where my reflection fresnel tick box was ticked AND I had a falloff in the reflect slot. I don't if its at all related to your problem, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.


                    • #25
                      Consider Light Cache

                      It's not always irradiance map if you are using LC as secondary. try and render
                      one image without turning on final image for LC ... and try matching it inside photoshop
                      if the noises matches the LC rendering then it's probably LC's setting. Check the
                      tutorial for blurring your LC. LC can cause noise in rendering when it's is sharp ...

                      Of cos this is provided you have already checked your irrad. and nothing seems to be
                      Last edited by victor.nsy; 27-02-2008, 03:45 AM.
                      Studio Max 2009 x64
                      X5000 Chipset | Dual Core Intel 5140 | 4G RAM | Nvidia FX3450 drv


                      • #26
                        perhaps you have drawings in your scene? it could be when you import them they have an architectural material and that can cause problems....

                        if nothing works, try the following:
                        Merge all the geometery in a new scene.
                        recreate sun and camera (check invisible in both the sun and sky)
                        Use quick render settings such as and override grey in the global settings:
                        IRmap medium preset, other values default
                        Lightcash default settings

                        That should get rid of the problems and give you a "clean" start, then you can adjust materials and rednersettings to a higher level.

                        Hope it helps you, and let us know how it's going
                        My Homepage :


                        • #27
                          You could try this...

                          In your lights settings within the VRay Render settings dialogue, uncheck generate caustics for all your lights, and then in the VRay Caustics settings under Inderect illumination panel turn it on.

                          See if that helps.


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the info - I was off for a few days. I will try the suggestions and get back to you with results.

                            Cheers Peter.


                            • #29
                              Well? What did you find out? We've been having this issue more and more lately. You can see the spots in the IRR - it even looks as if "show samples" is checked - but they don't smooth out in the render.

                              We got lucky with a scene merge once, but I can't do that this time with alll my keyframes.


                              • #30
                                I've found that spots like that tend to be from weird geometry/materials. I'm placing my bets on it being the CAD linkup if youve checked everything else.

                                Do you strip drawings down much before bringing them in/linking?

