Hello, I have a problem with rendering from scratch in MAX. I use VRay 1.5 SP1 64 and MAX 2008 64. I made a simple scene as an example to show what is going on. After hitting Render Light Cache calc. phase looks OK. But then all buckets are grey and as output I get grey rectangle. The only way I can use VRay now is to open some old scene, save it with new name, delete all objects, merge new scene.
Help me please.
Hi! Seems deleting of 3dsmax.ini solved the problem!
...but just for a while... After deleting 3dsmax.ini I did test render with fresh scene and everything was OK. Then I set MAX to my working configuration, tryed some renders - OK. Now I made fresh scene and problem is back. Strange thing is that it renders VRAy sky... But no geometry... I´m realy disappointed...
Help me please.
Hi! Seems deleting of 3dsmax.ini solved the problem!
...but just for a while... After deleting 3dsmax.ini I did test render with fresh scene and everything was OK. Then I set MAX to my working configuration, tryed some renders - OK. Now I made fresh scene and problem is back. Strange thing is that it renders VRAy sky... But no geometry... I´m realy disappointed...