Trying to wrap my head around simple comping and I'm having some difficulties, so to illustrate I've included a sample scene, my setup, and some renders, to aid me/you.
Here is the desired result when comping the background (base pass) with the overlayed sphere pass

Here is the base pass rendered completely normal, just hiding the sphere

Here are the VrayProperties for everything except the sphere, and the Background Environment is set to black

And here is the resulting sphere pass,

White is actually alpha
[Continued to next post, because I can't post 5 images in the same thread]
Trying to wrap my head around simple comping and I'm having some difficulties, so to illustrate I've included a sample scene, my setup, and some renders, to aid me/you.
Here is the desired result when comping the background (base pass) with the overlayed sphere pass
Here is the base pass rendered completely normal, just hiding the sphere
Here are the VrayProperties for everything except the sphere, and the Background Environment is set to black
And here is the resulting sphere pass,
White is actually alpha
[Continued to next post, because I can't post 5 images in the same thread]