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Pixel Artifacts

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  • Pixel Artifacts

    I was rendering an npr animation and utilized a simple Vray diffuse color material with only a vray color in the opacity slot and encountered artifact problems when manipulating the roughness value. It looks better when it is rough and the shading across the surface is gone. However, on certain angles, vray produced terrible artifacting. I was using the Vray Lanczos filter: size 2.0, Adaptive DMC: 1 and 4. The noise threshold was set to 0.01. The scene was lit with a skylight set to 30 subdivisions. These were optimized for animation settings; we couldn't really increase any of the settings at the expense of time. However the only solution I was able to find in increasing any of the settings was returning the roughness to 1.0 from 0. All other values caused artifacting independent of AA or other settings. Please help, we are finding much success with vray opacity materials and vray toon for design animations-the clients love it but the artifacting is unacceptable.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    So where exactly are the artifacts in the images?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I don't see any "pixel artifacting" in either image... I'm not even sure what that means. All I see is a bit of noise. I haven't played around with the roughness much, but it seems the usual procedures for a noisy scene would suffice. Try using softer AA filters, increasing AA settings, or increase subdiv multiplier settings and reduce noise size.
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #4
        Look at the truss on the second image-blue areas, there are blotchy blocks all around

