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Service Pack 2

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  • Service Pack 2

    Any ideas when Service Pack 2 is going to be out Vlado? This DMC sampler is giving us loads of problems with rendering times....
    Vray ROCKS!!!

  • #2
    Bah, i was thinking SP2 was out by the title of this thread

    I would also like to know...


    My Portfolio


    • #3
      nevermind when it's coming out, I'm just trying to find out what will be included - just bug fixes or some new gooedies also? and what are they?
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        Originally posted by sdesvb View Post
        This DMC sampler is giving us loads of problems with rendering times....
        what does this mean?

        I can try and tell you how to get really really quick render times if you explain a bit more....


        • #5
          Originally posted by sdesvb View Post
          Any ideas when Service Pack 2 is going to be out Vlado? This DMC sampler is giving us loads of problems with rendering times....
          What kind of issues are you having? I doubt that this is a problem with the DMC sampler specifically.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            From our tests dmc sampler slightly slower than older rqmc one, but with better AA (and glossy).
            I just can't seem to trust myself
            So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
            CG Artist


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul Oblomov View Post
              From our tests dmc sampler slightly slower than older rqmc one, but with better AA (and glossy).
              I second that, DMC is better and faster.
              Dmitry Vinnik
              Silhouette Images Inc.


              • #8
                Ok guys ... ! First of all let me thank you for geting back to me so fast.

                Now then, it becomes more and more apparent to me that some of my settings must be wrong therfore I have made some screen-captures that might give you a clue about what is wrong.

                A bit about this scene: not loads of geometry or any massive textures. A few IES lights and a big Vray light to act as a environment portal by the window.

                Scene is rendered with presaved lightcash and Irradience maps at HD res for an animation.
                The current settings you see here give a frame render time of 2 hours per frame on a DUAL XEON with two 3GHz CORE DUO CPUs and 8 gig RAM.... 64 bit all the way

                During the render the machine doesnt run out of memory and CPU workload looks fine at 100% all the way.

                Hope this makes sense......
                Here are the scenes and the screencaps.


                Any ideas would be appreciated
                Vray ROCKS!!!


                • #9
                  i might be wrong, but both the Dmc noise treshold, and the AA settings seem too high imo
                  i d say keep the standard min/max AA values and Dmc noise treshold.
                  From then on work with the Dmc noise treshold, reducing it to reduce ur image noise.
                  Also if ur not storing ur vraylights with the Irmap, then u can lower the samples
                  Nuno de Castro

                  00351 917593145


                  • #10
                    they are kind of funny settings.

                    Firstly, and noise threshold of 0.6 will produce a massively grainy image.
                    Also, as a minimum of 2 DMC AA samples will force Vray to sample each pixel at least twice to reach this level of grain, when i'd say it only needs 1 sample to hit this level, so drop this down.

                    Try these changes:

                    as your viewing your image in sRGB colour space, set the gamma in the colour mapping to 2.2 and tick 'don't affect colours'. This will mean the sampler works in sRGB space as well, not a Gamma of 1. This might fix the grain behind the bed - it seems to be the darkest part of the image and if the sampler sees this shadow in a straight, gamma 1 space it might stop sampling this shadow part if it's already reached your really high noise threshold of 0.6

                    Then try:
                    Adaptive minium 1, maximum 4
                    Noise threshold 0.05 - 0.01

                    Adaptive amount 1.0 - 0.9 (0.9 more suitable to Irradiance maps i find)

                    You could also try increasing the amount of dynamic memory to 800 maybe - not sure how complicated the scene is, if your on 64 bit you could go much only need to do this though if you have loads of complex geometry or loads of proxies - in any case Vray will pop up with a warning to say if you need to increase this...


                    • #11
                      Thanks man! I tried all this... The only thing I hadn't realised was that my sampler wasn't working on 2.2 but on 1. I changed that and the image quality improved a lot especially on the dark areas.

                      Still one more thing though stupid rendering times 720x576 nearly 1h30m for a decent quality frame.

                      Vlado can I send you a copy of the scene please?... this is driving mad and it seems you might be my only hope.
                      Vray ROCKS!!!


                      • #12
                        You can send the scene if you wish to I will take a look.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

