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Vray Physical Cameras

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  • Vray Physical Cameras


    This is mashing my brain!!!...When I add a physical camera into my scene it renders out black.......I normally just use viz cameras but Im looking to create a DOF effect which wont work using normal viz cams....hence the reason for going with the vray physical cam...Its a pretty simple scene with a vray light and a direct viz light and simple materials....

    any ideas why I get total blackness on hitting the render button.......


  • #2
    Physical camera was made to work with VraySun ans Sky. The intensity of those two are probably much higher then your standard lights. Upping the multiplier on your light will do the trick.


    • #3
      The plot thickens...

      Ok, on further investigation Im having to bump up my ISO to between 4000 - 6000 Surely this cant be right (default is 200!!!!).......

      bit confused


      • #4
        Originally posted by UBIKmh View Post
        Physical camera was made to work with VraySun ans Sky. The intensity of those two are probably much higher then your standard lights. Upping the multiplier on your light will do the trick.
        Doh....yes, totally forgot about this, which all makes sense really. I was just really looking for quick fix with to create some DOF views going with what I had, without fully thinking about the rest of the scene......and the lighting and materials aren't set up for the physical cams.....


        • #5
          Or you can just untick "exposure" in the VRayCam to use the rest of it's features.
          Ben Steinert

