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Animation through Glass Sliding Door

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  • Animation through Glass Sliding Door

    Right, So ive got the problem of a rendering an animation with a glass sliding door. Im using Irr map on -4 -2 with hsph and using brute force on 20 subd and 2 bounces. Im rendering the irradiance map ever 4 frames.

    Now the problem i have is that i thought id be able to render the sequence with the door sliding opening going from the exterior to the interior. But what happens is that there is are large area of dark splotches, when you get into the interior where i guess the samples have been calculated through the door when it was shut from outside.

    So the solution im after is for this not to happen, i understand that i may have to break the render up so that i render just before the door opens and after im through the door. but not sure which method of calculating the GI i should use. what i dont want to happen is for there to be a dramatic change of color or image quality between the 2 areas.

    I've tried the new animation render prepass, but dont want to have to calculate an irr map for every frame, as it can easily get away with being on every 3 or 4.

    Any help?

  • #2
    Just calculate the irradiance map with the glass door hidden, and then unhide it for the final rendering, should work fine.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      but what samples would there be on the door then? as wouldnt it be calculating samples looking through it?


      • #4
        Ah, well you can un-check the "Use irraidance map" option for the materials on the glass door; V-Ray will then use brute-force GI for it so it will not need any irradiance map samples. Pure glass itself (only reflection/refraction) will not calculate any GI on it anyways (since there is no diffuse component to be affected by them).

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          thanks, i'll give that a go and see how it turns out, could this same practice be used on a door that was solid and open outwards?


          • #6
            Hm, probably; this needs some testing

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              ok little problem, when it hits the part of the door where the material is set to Use irraidance map the frame time jumps from 3 mins to 33 mins!! what settings control the brute force?


              • #8
                The irradiance map hemispheric subdivs are used, so you can try reducing these for the final rendering.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

