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Vray Buckets DR Rendering looking diffrent?

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  • Vray Buckets DR Rendering looking diffrent?

    Hi there...

    I am a new Vray user.. and running into initial set up problems with DR rendering.

    Basically everything seams to be working but the buckets on my slave system is rendering everything different colours.

    It looks like it is a texture error as the buckets on the slave are appearing grey... but I used assent manager to set the project location to a shared drive (z:\) so all the paths of the main system and teh render slave are getting everything from z:\blah\blah\blah\blah.filename

    Any ideas?

    PS - I am sorry if this is asked already.. as I am new.. mabey it has.. but i did do a search and with the limitation on 4+ words min I can notr search with DR filter.. and get millions of results.

  • #2
    Do you start the vrayspawner on the render slaves as a service or manually? If it is a service, you may need to change the user for the service so that it sees the mapped drivers properly.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I started the spawner manauly by running "vrayspawner2009.exe"


      • #4
        Now it is acting even stranger..... I am getting no errors in the Vray Log... vet I am only getting buckets from the main render.. not the salve as well....

        As you can see the vray log shows no errors and that it is connected.

        <----- EDIT
        Are there issues with running 64bit on the main system and running 32 bit on the slave?

        Narr.. same problem when runing 32bit max on both systems
        Last edited by Jynks; 09-05-2008, 12:26 AM.


        • #5

          it's better to use UNC paths not shared drives, so:





          • #6
            yes, what sv said
            Kind Regards,


            • #7
              this same issue seasm to be happen after i remaped all teh paths to //server//etc etc


              • #8
                if your file server isn't a Windows Server operating system (i.e. it's just XP) you might have problems?

                XP only allows a maximum of 10 connections to that machine on the network. Even if it's just a machine using a network printer for example, that counts as a connection.

                Our servers are all windows small business servers, which don't have the connection limit.... is this the issue?


                • #9
                  I am running vista 64 on one system and xp32 pro on the other. I am a freelancer on a home netwrok... there is only 3 systems.. the workstation, the redner slave and the internet/game box.

                  I am using IPs in the server list.. shouldn't there be somthing in the "status" area when you resolve servers?


                  Why is the "find servers" button greyed out?
                  Last edited by Jynks; 10-05-2008, 06:28 PM.


                  • #10
                    I think i have solved this..... thanks to this thread here.... Which machine for DR speed? @ chaosgroup
                    • I am now using //server/blah/blah.filename for all the paths... and project root.
                    • I have opened the ports 30304 TCP/UPD incoming and outgoing on the firewalls of the workstations and slaves
                    • I have then saved my LC maps out and loaded them of /server/path.filename
                    • I now have the buckets form the slave turning up.

                    I think all my confusion was as I was doing a simple test scene to try and get this working... and according to that thread Which machine for DR speed? @ chaosgroup Light Cache has to be caculated on each slave... the problem was that the slave was simply not finishing the LC pass by the time the Dquad core had completed the entire render....

                    I would like to thank those that helped me, I know new users must spam the forums when they start and I have been no different, I appreciate the time you take to help me out.. ... I am pretty sure it is all working now... The buckets render the same colours and appear when DR rendering.

                    SV + Valdo + ruud3dv
                    Last edited by Jynks; 10-05-2008, 07:16 PM.

