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Problem with vrayFrameBuffer and Deadline

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  • #16
    It's a Windows thing - on Windows XP if you hit [Windows key] + [break] to bring up your System Properties dialog then go to the Advanced tab and then click on the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom. This will show a dialog which allow you to put in user/system variables - they are essentially commands which return a defined value when they are called and from whatever location.
    For example, if I open up the command prompt and type "echo %windir%", that returns the environment variable which is the path for my Windows installation directory ("C:\WINDOWS"). Same goes for any other variable defined this way and anything can access these variables.

    Hope that helps
    Uniform | Somewhere


    • #17
      the problem stil exists with 3.1, diabling the framebuffer in submit doesn't help


      • #18
        So are you unable to render with VRay via Deadline completely?

        I'll pass this on to Ryan for more in depth help.

        Best regards,
        Jon Reynolds
        Method Studios


        • #19
          I can render but that message just keeps poping up (The path "" not found do you want to create it), I don't know how it affects rendering times but it is annoying, otherwise deadline is real good


          • #20
            It seems that if we were using the method that I described where Deadline has to know the error and then ignore it we would be seeing the msg window over and over till the render was completed. This is not the case though I don't know how that logic works into the "Show Virtual Frame Buffer" option, which I use 99% of the time.

            Does this sound like what you are seeing where Deadline appears to be automatically closing the error window for you or are you describing an manual process where you close the window?

            If the first is the case I'm hoping that a simple configuration adjustment to the "VFB history temp path:" so that it contains something that is common among all your render nodes will do the trick. Please let me know if the problem persists. I know that we don't have it here anymore, I was just in the middle of production when we were dealing with it so it was dealt with in another department.

            Best regards,
            Jon Reynolds
            Method Studios


            • #21
              it is the first case, ok, I am gonna look how I have to adjust the env variable


              • #22
                not the env var but the options button in the history window.

                Ryan won't be back for a few days
                keep me posted

                Best regards,
                Jon Reynolds
                Method Studios


                • #23
                  Found and fixed the problem, thanks a lot! It wa indeed in the options of history, pointed it out to a shared dir.


                  • #24
                    Glad to hear that works for you

                    Jon Reynolds
                    Method Studios


                    • #25
                      Is there a way to change the render history path through maxscript?
                      Jeff Adams - Freelance Architectural Illustrator


                      • #26
                        I've just downloaded the latest Deadline to try out at my company, specifically to replace dirty backburner, and for After effects, and maybe Nuke. The 2 node free lic is a nice idea. I can test it out small scale before trying to find some cash to buy it!

                        It all seems very good so far. Fairly easy to set-up and once the scripts are in place to submit the jobs, all is well. I was interested to here this issue with the history button, I have not had any issues yet?

                        Ill be testing more over the next month, very excited to maybe finally getting rid of the pain of backburner, and the 10 hours limit!!

                        I'd recommend it to anyone.


                        • #27

                          Just wondering if anyone has found a fix for this that doesn't involve disabling the vray frame buffer? We need to split our render elements out to seperate elements so disbling it is not an option. We have tried mapping the vray history path to a centralised network location but still no joy. One thing I did notice though, is that the history button is not actually visable on the frame buffer when rendering in slave mode, but it is in workstation mode.

                          3dsmax 2009, Vray 1.5 SP4a, Deadline 3.0.33353


                          Drew Wood-Davies
                          Head Of Lighting & Look-Development | Method Studios | Melbourne, Australia


                          • #28
                            For anybody interested I seem to have fixed the problem by telling deadline to ignore the error rather than keep pressing the "No" button. Just add/edit the following line to your file within the deadline repository under the sub-directory ...\plugins\3dsmax\

                            # Handle Render History Settings dialog
                            self.AddPopupIgnorer( "Render history settings" )


                            Drew Wood-Davies
                            Head Of Lighting & Look-Development | Method Studios | Melbourne, Australia

