I have a scene with the vraysun/sky at "noon" at an intensity of 1. My vrayphyscam is also looking almost straight down so the vraysky(background) values are above 1.0 and are bright. When I bring my 32bit rpfs into combustion it seems to be clamping the background to 1.0 float( I color picked the values in combustion) but the rest of the scene geometry retains its float values.
This also happens with 32bit openexrs as well
Is this a bug since it happens accross different formats? or is this more likely a combustion issue? ( if so let me know so I can seek support elsewhere if thats the case )
EDIT : if I render out the RPF and bring it immediatly back into 3ds all the of the vraysky (background) float values are clamped to 1.0float from the color picker in the MFB( so its not a combustion issue )
This also happens with 32bit openexrs as well
Is this a bug since it happens accross different formats? or is this more likely a combustion issue? ( if so let me know so I can seek support elsewhere if thats the case )
EDIT : if I render out the RPF and bring it immediatly back into 3ds all the of the vraysky (background) float values are clamped to 1.0float from the color picker in the MFB( so its not a combustion issue )