Ill check over the weekend, and try to test when I can, But ill def give it a go in Monday!
-- Rollouts global rlt_MPManager -- Functions global loadRolloutPosition global saveRolloutPosition global loadLayerListBox global MPMsetupMattePass global resetMatteObjects global isOnMatteLayer global MPMSetupMatteXrefs global resetMatteXrefObjects global MPMLoadFunctionsFile global writeFunctionFile -- Variables global selectedLayerNameArray = #() global MPManagerINIFile = (getDir #scripts + "\\MPManager.ini") global AlphaContribution = -1.0 global Shadows = false global AffectAlpha = false global Brightness = 1.0 global ReflectionAmt = 1.0 global RefractionAmt = 1.0 global GIAmt = 1.0 global noGI = true global MPMFunctionsFilename = "" ---- persistent global MPMFunctionsFile = "" persistent global overrideWrappers = false persistent global overrideXRefs = true persistent global g_layerNameArr = "" persistent global g_optionsArr = #() --fileIn "Q:/Colin/MPManager/" if (rlt_MPManager != undefined) then destroyDialog rlt_MPManager /************************************************************************************************************/ /* loadRolloutPosition -- loads the ini file and sets the position of the rollout*/ fn loadRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile = ( if (doesFileExist theINIFile) and (hasINISetting theINIFile "pos_x") and (hasINISetting theINIFile "pos_y") then ( local thePos = point2 0 0 thePos.x = (getINISetting theINIFile "pos_x") as float thePos.y = (getINISetting theINIFile "pos_y") as float setDialogPos theRlt thePos ) else ( -- ini file doesn't exist, create it saveRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile ) ) /* saveRolloutPosition -- saves the position of the rollout in the ini file */ fn saveRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile = ( local thePos = getDialogPos theRlt try ( setINISetting theINIFile "pos_x" (thePos.x as string) setINISetting theINIFile "pos_y" (thePos.y as string) ) catch ( messageBox ("Unable to write correctly to the file "+theINIFile+".") beep:false ) ) -- Returns the Functions File fn MPMLoadFunctionsFile theINIFile = ( local functionFilePath = "" if (doesFileExist theINIFile) then ( -- INI file exists if (hasINISetting theINIFile "functions" "path") then ( -- Functions path exists, fill the function variable if not(doesFileExist (p = getINISetting theINIFile "functions" "path")) then ( -- The file linked to the functions path does not exist print "1" writeFunctionFile MPManagerINIFile ) ) else ( -- Functions path keys don't exist, ask user to find them and write them print "2" writeFunctionFile MPManagerINIFile ) ) else ( -- INI file doesn't exist print "3" writeFunctionFile MPManagerINIFile ) /* FIX FIX FIX */ try ( MPMFunctionsFile = getINISetting theINIFile "functions" "path" fileIn MPMFunctionsFile ) catch () ) fn writeFunctionFile theINIFile = ( local functionFilePath = "" messageBox ("You are about to locate the "+MPMFunctionsFilename+" file.\n\nPlease note: for network rendering, this file MUST be visible to the render nodes\n using the same path that is located in your "+MPManagerINIFile+" file.\n\nIf the file is not there currently, please cancel and save it to the network now.\n") beep:false if ((f = getOpenFileName caption:("Locate the "+MPMFunctionsFilename+" file.") filename:MPMFunctionsFilename) != undefined) then ( print "writefunctionfile 1" try ( setINISetting theINIFile "functions" "path" f return true ) catch ( return false ) ) else return false ) /************************************************************************************************************/ rollout rlt_MPManager "MPManager v1.0" ( multiListBox mlst_Layers "Layers of non-Matte objects:" items:#() height:17 width:160 offset:[0,5] groupBox grp_MatteProperties "Matte object properties" width:180 height:240 offset:[170,-247] spinner spn_alphaContribution "Alpha Contribution " range:[-1,1,-1] type:#float fieldWidth:35 offset:[-7,-224] groupBox grp_DirectLight "Direct light" width:160 height:80 offset:[180,0] checkbox chk_Shadows "" offset:[310,-70] label lbl_Shadows "Shadows" offset:[104,-19] checkbox chk_AffectAlpha "" offset:[310,0] label lbl_AffectAlpha "Affect Alpha" offset:[97,-19] spinner spn_brightness "Brightness " range:[0,1,1] type:#float fieldWidth:35 offset:[-14,2] groupBox grp_RRGI "Reflection/Refraction/GI" width:160 height:110 offset:[180,6] spinner spn_reflection "Reflection Amount " range:[0,1,1] type:#float fieldWidth:35 offset:[-15,-94] spinner spn_refraction "Refraction Amount " range:[0,1,1] type:#float fieldWidth:35 offset:[-15,0] spinner spn_gi "GI Amount " range:[0,1,1] type:#float fieldWidth:35 offset:[-15,0] label lbl_noGI "No GI on other mattes" offset:[80,0] checkbox chk_noGI "" offset:[312,-17] checked:true --groupBox grp_Setup "Setup" offset:[0,17] width:130 height:50 checkBox chk_oVRayMtlWrapper "Override VRayOverrideMtls to Matte" offset:[0,19] enabled:false checkBox chk_oXRefs "Override XRefs" checked:overrideXRefs enabled:true button btn_Setup "Setup Matte Pass" offset:[0,5] align:#left button btn_Reset "Reset Pass" offset:[-30,-27] fn loadLayerListBox = ( theItems = for i=0 to layerManager.count-1 collect (layerManager.getLayer i).name mlst_Layers.items = theItems ) fn updateSelectedLayerNameArray = ( local layersSel = mlst_Layers.selection as array selectedLayerNameArray = for i = 1 to layersSel.count collect mlst_Layers.items[layersSel[i]] ) on btn_Setup pressed do ( local selectedLayerNameAsString = "" updateSelectedLayerNameArray() -- Separates the Array into strings to pass to MPMsetupMattePass for l in selectedLayerNameArray do selectedLayerNameAsString += (l + ";") g_layerNameArr = selectedLayerNameAsString g_optionsArr = #(AlphaContribution,Shadows,AffectAlpha,Brightness,ReflectionAmt,RefractionAmt,GIAmt,noGI) MPMsetupMattePass g_layerNameArr oWrappers:overrideWrappers oXrefs:overrideXrefs optionsArr:g_optionsArr ) on btn_Reset pressed do ( resetMatteObjects objects if (overrideXRefs) then resetMatteXrefObjects() ) on spn_alphaContribution changed val do AlphaContribution = val on chk_Shadows changed state do Shadows = state on chk_AffectAlpha changed state do AffectAlpha = state on spn_brightness changed val do Brightness = val on spn_reflection changed val do ReflectionAmt = val on spn_refraction changed val do RefractionAmt = val on spn_gi changed val do GIAmt = val on chk_noGI changed state do noGI = state on chk_oVRayMtlWrapper changed state do overrideWrappers = state on chk_oXRefs changed state do overrideXRefs = state on rlt_MPManager open do ( clearListener() loadRolloutPosition rlt_MPManager MPManagerINIFile MPMLoadFunctionsFile MPManagerINIFile print "MPManager Loaded..." loadLayerListBox() ) on rlt_MPManager close do ( saveRolloutPosition rlt_MPManager MPManagerINIFile if (queryBox "Reset all objects to original settings?" title:"Reset All objects?" beep:false) then ( resetMatteObjects objects if (overrideXRefs) then resetMatteXrefObjects() ) ) ) createDialog rlt_MPManager 373 335
fn loadRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile = ( if (doesFileExist theINIFile) and (hasINISetting theINIFile "pos_x") and (hasINISetting theINIFile "pos_y") then ( local thePos = point2 0 0 thePos.x = (getINISetting theINIFile "pos_x") as float thePos.y = (getINISetting theINIFile "pos_y") as float setDialogPos theRlt thePos ) else ( -- ini file doesn't exist, create it saveRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile ) ) fn saveRolloutPosition theRlt theINIFile = ( local thePos = getDialogPos theRlt try ( setINISetting theINIFile "pos_x" (thePos.x as string) setINISetting theINIFile "pos_y" (thePos.y as string) ) catch ( messageBox ("Unable to write correctly to the file "+theINIFile+".") beep:false ) ) fn isOnMatteLayer matteLayerArr theobj = ( if (idx = findItem matteLayerArr == 0 then true else false ) fn MPMsetupMattePass theLayerNames oWrappers:false oXrefs:true optionsArr:#(AlphaContribution,Shadows,AffectAlpha,Brightness,ReflectionAmt,RefractionAmt,GIAmt,noGI) = ( if (theLayerNames != "") and (theLayerNames != undefined) then ( local layerNamesArr = filterString theLayerNames ";" local matteObjectsArr = #() local nonMatteObjectsArr = #() g_layerNameArr = layerNamesArr g_optionsArr = optionsArr -- Making sure options array is valid if ((optionsArr[1] >= -1.0) and (optionsArr[1] <= 1.0)) and ((optionsArr[2] == true) or (optionsArr[2] == false)) and ((optionsArr[3] == true) or (optionsArr[3] == false)) and ((optionsArr[4] >= 0) and (optionsArr[4] <= 1.0)) and ((optionsArr[5] >= 0) and (optionsArr[5] <= 1.0)) and ((optionsArr[6] >= 0) and (optionsArr[6] <= 1.0)) and ((optionsArr[7] >= 0) and (optionsArr[7] <= 1.0)) and ((optionsArr[8] == true) or (optionsArr[8] == false)) then ( for o in objects do ( for l in layerNamesArr where (l != "") and (l != undefined) do ( if ( == l) then append nonMatteObjectsArr o else append matteObjectsArr o ) ) /* done separating */ resetMatteObjects nonMatteObjectsArr resetMatteXrefObjects() for o in matteObjectsArr do ( setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Enable" on setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Alpha" optionsArr[1] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Shadows" optionsArr[2] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ShadowAlpha" optionsArr[3] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ShadowBrightness" optionsArr[4] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ReflectionAmount" optionsArr[5] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_RefractionAmount" optionsArr[6] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_GIAmount" optionsArr[7] setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_GI_OtherMattes" optionsArr[8] ) /* done setting up matte objects */ if oXrefs then ( print "...Overriding XRefs" MPMSetupMatteXrefs layerNamesArr optionsArr -- Setup Callback Mechanism callbacks.removeScripts id:#MPMOverrideXrefs --callbacks.addScript #preRenderFrame "format \"g_layerNameArr: %\n\" g_layerNameArr" id:#MPMOverrideXrefs --callbacks.addScript #preRenderFrame "format \"g_optionsArr: %\n\" g_optionsArr" id:#MPMOverrideXrefs -- Ridiculous workaround local to_exec = "fileIn \"" + MPMFunctionsFile + "\"" ---------------------- callbacks.addScript #preRender to_exec id:#MPMOverrideXrefs persistent:true callbacks.addScript #preRender "MPMSetupMatteXrefs g_layerNameArr g_optionsArr" id:#MPMOverrideXrefs persistent:true ) else print "...Not Overriding XRefs" true ) else ( print "!!! Options Array not valid, needs 8 arguments with values between those listed in the script" false ) ) else ( print "!!! Please specify the Layer Names to generate a matte pass." false ) ) fn MPMSetupMatteXrefs layNameArr theOptionsArr = ( if (local xrefCount = xrefs.getXRefFileCount()) != 0 then ( /*try ( deleteFile "Q:/Colin/MPManager/XrefWrite.txt" ) catch () fs = openFile "Q:/Colin/MPManager/XrefWrite.txt" mode:"w+" format "layNameArr: %\n" layNameArr to:fs format "theOptionsArr: %\n" (theOptionsArr as string) to:fs format "xrefCount: %\n" (xrefCount as string) to:fs*/ for i = 1 to xrefCount do ( -- get each xref scene in file local xrscene = xrefs.getXRefFile i -- xrscene is set to the xref scene file /*format "xrscene: %\n" xrscene to:fs format "xrscene.tree.children: %\n" (xrscene.tree.children as string) to:fs*/ --format "layNameArr: %\n" layNameArr --format "theOptionsArr: %\n" theOptionsArr for x in (xrscene.tree.children) do ( -- for each object in the xref if (isOnMatteLayer layNameArr x) then ( try ( setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Enable" on setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Alpha" theOptionsArr[1] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Shadows" theOptionsArr[2] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ShadowAlpha" theOptionsArr[3] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ShadowBrightness" theOptionsArr[4] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ReflectionAmount" theOptionsArr[5] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_RefractionAmount" theOptionsArr[6] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_GIAmount" theOptionsArr[7] setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_GI_OtherMattes" theOptionsArr[8] --format "+ Object % as a matte object\n" to:fs ) catch () ) else ( -- else object is non-matte try ( resetMatteObjects x --format "- Object % as non-matte object\n" to:fs ) catch () ) ) -- end each object ) -- end all xrefs done -- close fs ) -- end xref file count ) fn resetMatteObjects objArr = ( for o in objArr do ( setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Enable" off setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Alpha" 1.0 setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_Shadows" off setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ShadowAlpha" off setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ShadowBrightness" 1.0 setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_ReflectionAmount" 1.0 setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_RefractionAmount" 1.0 setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_GIAmount" 1.0 setUserProp o "VRay_Matte_GI_OtherMattes" true ) ) fn resetMatteXrefObjects = ( if (local xrefCount = xrefs.getXRefFileCount()) != 0 then ( for i = 1 to xrefCount do ( -- get each xref scene in file local xrscene = xrefs.getXRefFile i -- xrscene is set to the xref scene file for x in (xrscene.tree.children) do ( -- for each object in the xref setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Enable" off setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Alpha" 1.0 setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_Shadows" off setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ShadowAlpha" off setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ShadowBrightness" 1.0 setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_ReflectionAmount" 1.0 setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_RefractionAmount" 1.0 setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_GIAmount" 1.0 setUserProp x "VRay_Matte_GI_OtherMattes" true ) ) ) callbacks.removeScripts id:#MPMOverrideXrefs ) ( MPMsetupMattePass g_layerNameArr oWrappers:overrideWrappers oXrefs:overrideXRefs optionsArr:g_optionsArr )