Hello Vlado,
I'm using Anisotropic rotation and here is the render's result (Annoying line):

Here is the anisotropic rotation map (No Filter):

Here is the shader diffuse map (Pyramidal Filter ) :

Here is the shader setup :

My render setup are Adaptive DMC 1/100 - ctrl tresh : 0,005 and AA filter Quadratic.
With Pyramidal filter or Summed area into aniso rot. map... no difference... even worse !
Same problem with VrayBmpFilter, but the line is smaller.
The problem is due to bitmap interpolation (or something close) RGB value from 255 to 0 are not correct, I try with 16Bits and 32 bits and no difference...
From 4K aniso rot. map to 10K same problem !!!
But I haven't got a problem with max circular ramp... (Mathematical ramp, no bitmap)
Please help !!!
I know... my english s**ks... I hope I'm precise enough !!!
Best regards...
Edit :
Here you can find a simple scene with the problem...
I'm using Anisotropic rotation and here is the render's result (Annoying line):

Here is the anisotropic rotation map (No Filter):

Here is the shader diffuse map (Pyramidal Filter ) :

Here is the shader setup :

My render setup are Adaptive DMC 1/100 - ctrl tresh : 0,005 and AA filter Quadratic.
With Pyramidal filter or Summed area into aniso rot. map... no difference... even worse !
Same problem with VrayBmpFilter, but the line is smaller.
The problem is due to bitmap interpolation (or something close) RGB value from 255 to 0 are not correct, I try with 16Bits and 32 bits and no difference...
From 4K aniso rot. map to 10K same problem !!!
But I haven't got a problem with max circular ramp... (Mathematical ramp, no bitmap)
Please help !!!
I know... my english s**ks... I hope I'm precise enough !!!
Best regards...
Edit :
Here you can find a simple scene with the problem...