While this is not a strictly VRay problem, I'm hoping to get some help here. I've been working on an animation for a few years now, and I'm to the animation/rendering phase of it all. My problem lies with rendering some neon lights in the background of shots. I'm using Max's Lens Effects -> Glow to make make the glows around the ligts.

Example 1: When rendered without DoF, the renders look amazing! The glows are correct, they 'fit' the objects they're glowy to perfectly, ect.
Example 2: Faked DoF. I just took Example 1 into photoshop and faked the DoF with a Guassian Blur. Again, this looks fantastic.
Example 3: When I turn on DoF in VRay and render the scene, the glows go to glow-hell! The brightness of some go wacky, they no longer fit the objects they're glowing (the neon tubes glow in the example here shift down) and some glows will only appear on half of an object, the other half is glowless (not in this example).
I'm sure the issue lies with the fact that the glow is being applied at the end of the render, after those objects have been blurred. I'm hoping to get some help on some workarounds, fixes, ect. I'm REALLY hoping I don't have to do DoF in post, the film is 10 minutes long, incredibly detailed, and being able to use VRays (fantastic) DoF would save a lot of time and energy on my part!

Example 1: When rendered without DoF, the renders look amazing! The glows are correct, they 'fit' the objects they're glowy to perfectly, ect.
Example 2: Faked DoF. I just took Example 1 into photoshop and faked the DoF with a Guassian Blur. Again, this looks fantastic.
Example 3: When I turn on DoF in VRay and render the scene, the glows go to glow-hell! The brightness of some go wacky, they no longer fit the objects they're glowing (the neon tubes glow in the example here shift down) and some glows will only appear on half of an object, the other half is glowless (not in this example).
I'm sure the issue lies with the fact that the glow is being applied at the end of the render, after those objects have been blurred. I'm hoping to get some help on some workarounds, fixes, ect. I'm REALLY hoping I don't have to do DoF in post, the film is 10 minutes long, incredibly detailed, and being able to use VRays (fantastic) DoF would save a lot of time and energy on my part!