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importing mats = extra sun

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  • importing mats = extra sun

    Small but annoying problem...

    When I import a material from another max-file (in the mat editor, open library, .max) and that file has a vray sun in it, the sun is also imported into my new file.... giving me two suns which may look funky but rarely is the look im going for

    Sure I can just delete the new sun... but sometimes I forget this when I import mats, and spend alot of time trying to figure out why the hell my scene suddenly is so bright and has weird shadows...

    why is this happening?


  • #2
    the same problem

    hey, I have the same problem when Iwant to import any material from other max file when this file have a vraysun only or an vray sun linked to a vraysky.


    • #3
      Known bug - if i remember rightly vlado said it's a max bug with how the sun works, just keep a note of it and delete the extra suns for now.

      Which version are you using? I think it may even have been fixed in newer builds, but i'm not sure.


      • #4
        This happens when the scene from which you import contains the VRaySky texture loaded in the material editor, and you have specified the sun node explicitly in the sky texture. Currently we have no control over this behavior, so we can't correct it.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          ah ok, thanks vlado...

          not a big deal really... just a little annoying...


