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nv4_disp.dll crashing in max/d3d; reflection/shading problem: SOLVED

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  • nv4_disp.dll crashing in max/d3d; reflection/shading problem: SOLVED


    in this thread:
    I reported an error in a way that reflections/shadoing was being calculated.
    after some trial/error it was apparent that it was not an issue with vray (thanks Vlado!).

    i felt hopeless, as i could't nail the bastard and the animation had to be finished with those artifacts....... i don't have to tell you how frustrating that can be.

    finally (but after finishing the job) i found that it happened only when the object was smooth-shaded. flat-shading produced desired results, but at the cost of faceted surfaces and the like.

    THEN i stumbled upon ANOTHER VERY ANNOYING problem.
    nv4_disp.dll BSOD in max/d3d.
    it happened before, every time i tried to open heavy scenes with d3d and cached3xmeshes enabled. without it viewports were as sluggish as in opengl - not what i would expect from 8800gtx. for some time i've been working using opengl - if the scene had less than 1M polys it was ok. but recently i was trying to work with a scene that was 13M polys/33M verticles and had about 0.3 fps, and redrawing of the viewports took ages....
    reinstalling drivers - nothing
    updating dx - nothing
    reinstalling max - nothing
    i even considered soft-modding my gfx into quadro, but decided to do it later (for fun / experience)
    ...and then I noticed that my max was not updated with sp2.
    installing the patch didn't help with the BSOD thing, but it SOLVED the previous problem - no more different buckets in DR!!
    (i didn't think that sp2 had such changes that it affected the way that objects are being shaded in rendering - my workstation produced darker buckets with visily different shading than patched to sp2 render nodes.)

    so it was 1:0 for me, and only one to go...

    after 3 days of web browsing and trying to come up with something on my own i found info about /3GB switch causing some problems with drivers.
    of course i was already aware of that, but as always couldn't believe that it would have any negative effect on MY hardware
    what i found was this:
    in short - using only /3GB is not recommended, BUT adding /userva='something below 3000' (like /userva=2900) increases stability, at the cost of a little over than 100 megs of memory.

    i tried this
    and it WORKS!

    no more nv4_disp.dll BSOD in max, 13Mpoly scene now at >20fps, viewports redrawing almost instantly, work is now much more comfortable and stress-free.

    this tweak was posted earlier, but it was linked to video card disappearing in the system, not BSODing all the time...


    shading issues as observed in my previous thread - conflict between max versions on workstation and render slaves. my mistake, as i should have checked this before bothering You with the problem. but maybe it will help someone with similar issue, who - as I - forgot to update max on all machines and has version conflicts

    nv4_disp.dll BSOD in d3d w/cached3dxeshes on - /3GB issue, solved with adding /userva='between 2900 - 3030'. i hope that this solution is solid, and the driver won't go haywire again....

    cheers and thanks!

    the purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
    the purpose of an architect is to flip out and design for people.
    ________________________ /

  • #2
    i've got to try this! thanks for the info
    Dominique Laksmana

