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Instancing of VrayProxy in Particle Flow

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  • Instancing of VrayProxy in Particle Flow

    Hello there,

    I'm currently doing a forest with VrayProxy and i would like to know if there was any chance that the instancing object of Particule Flow allow to take VrayProxy, because when i'm doing it, at render time, I have only boxes.
    Same as normal scatter.

    The only way is to purchase VrayScatter?
    I need of nearly 500 threes. I put them at hand if the only possibility is to use VrayScatter.


    3LP Team
    3LP Team

  • #2
    You can use the free scatter plugin for this - i've done over 7000 proxies before with it on a job and about 20,000 half million poly proxies with it in a test scene (need some organisation to pull off though).

    Particle flow can do it too, but I've never done it and dont know if it needs to be scripted.

    edit: i cant find a link to it online, post your email address and i'll send it over. Goes in your max/plugins directory.
    Last edited by Neilg; 12-09-2008, 07:12 AM.


    • #3
      Wow, thanks for the quick reply.

      The free plugin allow to do net render ? because I will have to render my animation over the farm.
      I have tried to do it with PFlow but it render boxes and not the proxys,

      but i found a thread about that allready :

      I will try all that.
      Thanks for the reply and sorry for the duble posting
      3LP Team


      • #4
        Yeah - all it does is position your objects. I did an island covered in forest with it and sent it over our farm that didnt have the plugin.

        Whats your email?


        • #5

          thanks a lot for your informations, I will try that soon
          3LP Team


          • #6
            cubiclegangster- whats that scatter plugin actually called?
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              'scatter.dlu' - doesnt really have a name, which is why I couldnt find it. It's not on scriptspot or anywhere like that, which is odd.

              Did some digging and found some comments - it's from 2001 and theres just this link as far as the web goes -

              I found it when hunting for a scatter plugin that could do proxies about a year ago. The one i'm using says it's for max 4, but it's worked in every version of max i've thrown it at.

              edit: it was created by peter watje ( ) and updated by claude schitter, who oddly enough after checking his website claims to not use max - maya and renderman only...
              Last edited by Neilg; 16-09-2008, 01:29 AM.


              • #8
                Is there a Max 2009 64bit version of this (I know, I don't ask for much, damn you lack of compatibility!)? If so could you send it to dukecg at gmail dot com (forums are public, avoiding spam bots).


                • #9
                  The most recent version of it is for max 6... so I dont think so.

                  Have you tried it anyway? It works fine with 64bit 2008 for me.
                  edit: It actually says i'm using the max4 version of it when I run it, haha.


                  • #10
                    the technique i use is to scatter a box, collapse it to a mesh, explode elements to seperate objects with teh angle set to 180 degrees, cantre all pivots to objects (IMPORTANT) then use "object replacer" (blurscripts) to swap them for proxies. good thing is u can make a selection set of proxies and object replacer will randomise the replaced objects from the set.

                    random transform to rotate and scale the proxies differently. and random select to apply materials from a palette so its more varied.

                    ive done over 100,000 trees using this technique and its pretty damn quick.

                    youll probably need to move the trees /proxies down to meet the ground afterwards because the pivots will all be in the centre of the boxes, not on the floor, but this takes 5 seconds.

                    obviously a decent scatter plugin woulds be quicker, but not much really..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by super gnu View Post
                      the technique i use is to scatter a box, collapse it to a mesh, explode elements to seperate objects with teh angle set to 180 degrees, cantre all pivots to objects (IMPORTANT) then use "object replacer" (blurscripts) to swap them for proxies. good thing is u can make a selection set of proxies and object replacer will randomise the replaced objects from the set.

                      random transform to rotate and scale the proxies differently. and random select to apply materials from a palette so its more varied.

                      ive done over 100,000 trees using this technique and its pretty damn quick.

                      youll probably need to move the trees /proxies down to meet the ground afterwards because the pivots will all be in the centre of the boxes, not on the floor, but this takes 5 seconds.

                      obviously a decent scatter plugin woulds be quicker, but not much really..

                      Just used this method the other day to populate several tropical islands.
                      Eric Boer

