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Still Learning - Vray Matte/Shadow Material equivalent

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  • Still Learning - Vray Matte/Shadow Material equivalent

    Hi there... another "I am just learning question"

    I am trying to work out how to do shadow/matte passes in the same way that I do in the scanline render. (max)

    What I am trying to achieve is to have a alpha on the image that is just all black apart form the shadow, witch should be white. I am trying to do this using the Vray Properties tab on the object..

    I set MATTE (tick) | Affect Alpha (tick) | shadows (tick) | Alpha contribution = -1.0

    The problem is that the matte is all weird.. I get this strange checker pattern and I am not sure why.

    Here are some images to help you help me.

    My Attempts at the render

    My Vray Settings

    A copy of the simple file I am using

    Any help would be appreciated... thanks... or of there is a better method.. please let me know.
    Last edited by Jynks; 05-10-2008, 01:45 PM. Reason: solved

  • #2
    the way you are getting a shadow is correct. The problem is in the mesh however. You have a box object with the thikness of 0, which means that faces from the backside to the front side intersect eachother. If you make the object single sided this should work. What I did was i went back to your modifier stack history (box) and added thikness in height to be more then 0.
    After that, if you apply your standart vray shadow matte approach, it will be fine.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
      the way you are getting a shadow is correct. The problem is in the mesh however. You have a box object with the thikness of 0, which means that faces from the backside to the front side intersect eachother. If you make the object single sided this should work. What I did was i went back to your modifier stack history (box) and added thikness in height to be more then 0.
      After that, if you apply your standart vray shadow matte approach, it will be fine.
      That is exactly what is going on you rock mate.. thank you. I was getting confused I was 100% sure I had the setting correctas in the maunals...


      Inportant safty tip, egon.

