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Render to Texture problems....

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  • Render to Texture problems....

    Hi there people,

    I have some problems with the latest version of vray and baking textures.

    i have a normal scene, nothing special.
    no heavy objects and such.

    The first and biggest problem is that the output (saved texture file) always is 640x480 and completely black.
    I have tried changing to png, jpg, tga. does not work. always black!!!
    I hope any1 has a sollution to this.

    Second problem is that the when i use "large" textures (1024) it all chashes..?

    So hope any1 can give my a few pointers, i'm a bit in a hurry (have to finish this today)

    Many thanks in advance
    My Homepage :

  • #2
    Hi there people,

    It is getting weirder, but here is what i found out.
    using preference gamma > 2.2 settings : output file is 640x480 and black. or a cutout of 640x480

    i disable the gamma preferences, and put 2.2 gamma correction in the linear color mapping (i know imcomming textures are wrong) but well for some reason the files are saved correct.
    Thus somewhere there is a bug. and my guess it has to do something with the "output file" settings of the max preferences.

    Next i'm testing is to turn gamma on, but bake the 2.2 gamma into the render (thus output file gamma stays at 1.0 in the settings) dunno if that is gonna work. i'll post back soon.

    My Homepage :


    • #3
      What file format are you saving to? Targa, jpg and Png have cfg files in the plugcfg folder and EXR has a ini, you might try moving or renaming these to see if it fixes the save issues
      Eric Boer

