I don't know if anyone else here has previously identified an issue regarding exposure differences between the GI engines but I wanted to bring this issue to light. I noticed that a scene rendered with PPT seems to be exposed differently than a scene rendered with IM + LC GI. The images below illustrate this issue (btw, please excuse the quality). Both scenes are identical. The cameras are each set to f-number 16.0, shutter speed 1/15s, and ISO 200. However, notice how the PPT render (right) is significantly brighter than the IM + LC render (left).

The only conclusion that I have is that PPT image as rendered is exposed approximately two (2) f-stops higher than the IM + LC image. My conclusion is based on increasing the number of stops of the IM + LC renders by +2.00 (see below). Notice how the exposure of these images are nearly identical to those rendered in by PPT. However, I do not know which image is truly rendered at f-number 16.0, shutter speed 1/15s, and ISO 200.

Any thoughts? Any solutions? Has anyone else encountered the same conundrum?

The only conclusion that I have is that PPT image as rendered is exposed approximately two (2) f-stops higher than the IM + LC image. My conclusion is based on increasing the number of stops of the IM + LC renders by +2.00 (see below). Notice how the exposure of these images are nearly identical to those rendered in by PPT. However, I do not know which image is truly rendered at f-number 16.0, shutter speed 1/15s, and ISO 200.

Any thoughts? Any solutions? Has anyone else encountered the same conundrum?