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Problem VRayIES and AreaShadows

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  • Problem VRayIES and AreaShadows

    My company got really happy as we read about the new VRayIES in SP2 but we got some strange shadows when using them.

    Am i right that the option "use light shape" is for generating correct areashadow corresponding to the "web" in the IES file ?

    Maybe VRay got problems with our unitsetup ?

    System Unit Scale => 1 Unit = 1,0 Centimeters

  • #2
    Can you show an image of what you are getting?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I setup a testscene showing our problem. Any emailadress when i can send it 2you ?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Well, the problem might be that your IES file does not define the shape of the light. The "Use light shape" option only works if the IES file includes the dimensions of the light.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Yes i know that. Isn't the web displayed by the photometric lights the "lightshape" ?

          Ive had a look in the ies files and compared them. In my eyes they look formatet in the same way and storing the same type of information.


          • #6
            The format might look the same but that's just because it's a bunch of numbers basically. I've found that some, but not all, of the Erco files have dimension information in them.

            The information about the "shape" of the light should be on the first line of data for the IES, which you can edit on notepad or any other text editor. (in the one I'm looking at right now it's just under a "tilt=none" line).

            There's a bunch of numbers, for the Erco files i've found the easiest way to find the dimension information is if you see negative numbers in this line, if that's the case, just change them to a positive value. I think that the value preceding these numbers states the units it uses, 1 for feet and 2 for meters (I might and probably am wrong about this tho). Change it to something you consider "right" or play with these numbers until the shadow looks correct in rendering. There are 3 numbers total, x y z, for the dimensions. I usually leave the last one at 0.




            • #7
              Thanks for the reply voxel3d. I found this site site helpful and will compare our profiles.

