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Render time doubles when using animation mode for irrmap

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  • Render time doubles when using animation mode for irrmap

    I have a problem! I am making a 1000 frame animation. Last night i rendered out my irridiance maps in animation (prepass) mode. Now when using my stored irridiance maps the rendertime per frame has actually doubled. This is really weird, it only has to render the image but takes two times longer compared to rendering an image with the irr map set to single frame.

    I hope i explained my problem well enough for anybody to come up with a answer because i'm on a deadline!

    this is a frame from the animation
    Attached Files
    My website:

  • #2
    You can try to either use lower number of interpolation frames (e.g. 2), and/or reduce the number of interpolation samples (the default is 20, you can try 10 or 5).

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thank you Vlado for the quick reply. Chancing these settings made no real difference, the intp. frames were already set to 2 and changing the samples to 5 made a two second difference.

      I know using the animation mode would up rendertimes, i just didn't expect it to double. Well...... it will just take a day longer to render.
      My website:


      • #4
        Hmm, it is weird then. Would it be possible to get me a copy of that scene to so that we can investigate the issue?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          BTW - me too have doubled time, when not using animation prepasses, just reading from file both lc and irrmap. But, the scene is veery huge itself.
          I just can't seem to trust myself
          So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
          CG Artist


          • #6
            Originally posted by Paul Oblomov View Post
            BTW - me too have doubled time, when not using animation prepasses, just reading from file both lc and irrmap. But, the scene is veery huge itself.
            That's a different thing, more likely because if you have an animation with a static irradiance map, the irradiance map for the entire sequence is quite large. For the animation modes, the maps are just for single frames in size.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              I solved the problem of not getting my deadline by making a quick static animation without moving objects.

              But i found a related problem. I set the irridiance map to incremental add and just rendered the entire animation frame by frame. Then i saved that irr map and rendered the last image of the animation. The rendering of that image (the irrmap already loaded in) takes longer then the rendertime of the last frame when i was rendering on incremental add. This is strange because in both cases the size of the irrmap in memory is the same.
              Last edited by Robert P; 06-01-2009, 10:49 AM.
              My website:


              • #8
                Now i'm having the same problem with a single image of the same scene. I render my image with the irr map set to switch to saved map. The render time including light calculations is 1:30. Then i render again, this time with the saved map, and the render time goes up to to 2:30! I even set a material override but that didn't make a differnce. WHAT IS HAPPENING?
                My website:


                • #9
                  No idea yet; we are looking into it.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    So we can't really reproduce the last issue here; for frame 0 with your scene render time is 5m 8s to render in single frame mode, and 3m 37s when using the same irradiance map saved to a file.

                    Not really sure what else may be wrong; perhaps you can try a simpler scene and see if the same thing happens there?

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      maybe virus protection "on access scan" ?
                      Eric Boer


                      • #12
                        Our computers run both 32 and 64 bits windows. When i rendered the scene on 32-bits the problem was gone. Still don't know why it happened. Luckily the scene is not very memory consuming so i don't need to use 64-bits.

                        Re-render, you mean a virusscanner could be blocking something? We use Kaspersky for 64 and f-secure for 32, so that could make a difference.
                        My website:

