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Water faling

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  • Water faling

    Im trying to make some water faling from a tap like the picture below
    can anywone help me in the good direction

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  • #2
    Pretty simple, make a box, give it a box mapping modifier, add on a turbo smooth so it's got lots of subdivisions and put on a displace or noise modifier - Stretch the gizmo of the noise mod in the direction that the water is flowing in. Stick on a bend modifier to distort it or use an ffd to shape it into the fall you want. Add a vray material with full reflect, full refract and turn on fresnel.


    • #3
      thx for tip check my example i have done 1st try
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Looks good - one major thing to remember is with anything that has a lot of reflection like glass, water, metals and so on is that they only start looking interesting when they have something to reflect - the example photo you posted has a very bright window that the water is able to reflect, whereas in your rendered example the scene is quite dark - that's the main difference between the two!

