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Flicker after crashing

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  • Flicker after crashing


    I'm doing a camera fly-through of an interior and has managed to kill most flickering after reading through the posts on this board. However, I still have two problems that I hope you guys might have an answer for.

    1st problem: I'm fighting with some pretty solid rendertimes (30 minutes pr. frame out of about 1000 frames total). I'm doing the animation as .png images which I then compile at the end. Problem is, if the computer crashes (or I stop it temporarily) and I start up the rendering again mid-sequence (say, frame 180), there will be a very noticeable jump in lighting at the point where the animation was stopped.

    2nd problem: In this exact sequence I perform a sort of strafe with the camera and then zoom out afterwards. This has a weird effect on the lighting. Notice the back wall on the first picture where the lighting sort of shoots out like a flower from the back of the electronics. Again, to illustrate the point above I stopped the rendering and started it again and the next frame doesn't have this problem (but will therefore do the jump in lighting).

    I hope this makes sense. For the GI, I'm using irradiance map (multiframe incremental) as primary and light cache (fly-through) as secondary.

    This is something like frame 280 and 281
    Last edited by Bobby Revolver; 27-01-2009, 07:14 AM.

  • #2
    Are objects moving in the scene or just the camera?
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      There are some secondary movements i.e. the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind, but they're not visible in this exact clip that I'm having trouble with. The time display on the cd ticks along every second...


      • #4
        You can solve the first problem by precalculating the irradiance map once for the entire sequence.

        For the second problem, it seems to happen because the GI solution was different at different moments of time - something causes the same surface to appear differently illuminated at different frames. Without knowing more about the scene it is hard to say what it is.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

