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How do i make a coated glass?

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  • How do i make a coated glass?

    Hi there all

    I've been banging my head against a wall on this one all day. I want to make a glass object that is see-through from one side and reflective from the other. The object has to have a thickness too. As an example think of either a lens for mirrored sunglasses or a pane of glass on a building that you can see out of when inside, but when outside it looks like a mirror.
    Anyone got any tips? So far I've tried messing around with the 2-sided material and splitting the mesh into sub-object materials, but it's not doing what I want

    Any help would be greatly received

  • #2

    I achived this by really adding a mesh-coat - a single-sided mesh with a single-sided material slightly off the original surface (the shell-modifier is good for that). This way it is highly reflective from outside and a little reflective from inside.

    You have to take care about "cast-shadows, visible to GI, etc.-settings" - I did it with glass material and kept it invisible for the GI.



    • #3
      VRay2SidedMtl is more for simulating sub-surface scattering on a zero volume object, like a sheet of paper or a tree leaf.

      I back Sascha on this, your best bet will probably be using the existing object normals to make the visibility different from each side. A multi-sub mat should achieve this if the two different VRayMtls have "Double Sided" unchecked in their options. But, I would think this should work on any closed volume object without offsetting any faces, however I could be mistaken.
      Ben Steinert

