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Domelight - exclude doesn't work

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  • Domelight - exclude doesn't work

    If I try to exclude or include objects for vray light when the mode is dome,
    it has no effect. Everything is lighten.

    I'm using sp3, but I don't think that's the problem.

    Lasse Kilpia
    VFX Artist
    Post Control Helsinki

  • #2
    I too have the same problem and using SP3 - so that's possibly the issue!


    • #3
      Ok. Thanks for confirmation.
      Maybe later version works already.

      Lasse Kilpia
      VFX Artist
      Post Control Helsinki


      • #4
        Do you use GI also?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          It doesn't matter do I use GI or not. Dome light was invisible.
          I also tried to make it affecting diffuse only.

          I tried to do even lighting to environment objects. Then those are
          used as matte objects visible in reflections only.
          Lasse Kilpia
          VFX Artist
          Post Control Helsinki


          • #6
            Worked fine for me on a simple test... if you have a scene where it does not work, please send to

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Thanks. I'll send you scene later today.
              Lasse Kilpia
              VFX Artist
              Post Control Helsinki


              • #8
                Okay, it happens only when gi on. ir+lc.
                So dome light is affecting gi to all objects even when it's invisible and
                included to some objects only.

                I can send test scene later if still needed, but I think this is easily redone.

                Lasse Kilpia
                VFX Artist
                Post Control Helsinki


                • #9
                  The dome light is a Skylight when GI is enabled, no way to exclude objects, not a bug it's a feature. You could however turn the GI receive to zero for the object you want to exclude.
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10

                    Well, maybe I have too tricky situation.
                    I need to light environment objects so that they can cast GI to "main object.
                    So I thought easiest way to light environment objects is dome light without shadows.
                    When it didn't work, I tried to use omni lights in ambient only mode. Those
                    doesn't work with Vray.

                    So what could be the best way to light environment in away that:
                    -is included in environment objects only
                    -won't be visible in gi or any other way to other objects
                    -gives even lighting to environment objects

                    Lasse Kilpia
                    VFX Artist
                    Post Control Helsinki


                    • #11
                      Not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, do the environment objects have bitmap textures? If so maybe set self illuminate to 100 and set generate GI to zero? Maybe post a screen cap of the setup?
                      Eric Boer


                      • #12
                        We are doing fx-shots where 3D-robot is going around supermarket.
                        We have done rough model and textures that match the background plate.
                        This is how we get perfect reflections and gi lighting from environment to robot.
                        I don't want to relight the environment because those textures have
                        lighting situation already.
                        Self illumination could work, but if I want to change
                        environment brightness afterward, it's too much job to adjust 20-30 materials.
                        So I thought if one light can light the environment objects, that's the easiest
                        way to have fast control. With VRay GI on I can't do that.
                        -Dome light is used as Sky light when gi on (lighting all objects)
                        -omni lights in ambient mode does not work

                        Now I have placed omni lights around the scene. They give almost enough even
                        light to environment objects.

                        It's not a big problem. I just didn't found perfect solution to this.

                        Lasse Kilpia
                        VFX Artist
                        Post Control Helsinki


                        • #13
                          ah ic , if it were me I'd probably use self illumination, run a reflection pass and adjust it in post. Sounds like a fun shot.
                          Eric Boer

