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Updated to SP3 and now get maxscript errors

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  • Updated to SP3 and now get maxscript errors

    I have a bunch of vray scripts that I was using with SP2. One was a Vray Material Presets and when I try to use the script I now get a maxscript error message:

    "Unable to convert:true to type: Integer"

    Is this related to the update?

    Can anyone help fix this problem?
    Daniel Black
    Archtagon LLC

  • #2
    got a link to download the script?
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      That script is on script spot. should be an easy fix. I don't have SP3 installed yet or I would test it to find the specific spot it is failing.

      Do you know which material preset it is failing on?

      That MXS error can pop up when the script is giving an On/Off (True/False) value where the Material needs an integer value i.e. 1,2,3,4 etc. It is likely that the material has changed in a way that now requires a 1 instead of True or something to that extent.

      It should be easy to find and fix. That material preset script is a good learning tool for scripting if you are interested enough.

      EDIT: Never mind, looks like the author fixed it already. Now that's service!


      • #4
        the reason for this error is the material parameter controlling the
        affect alpha.

        it used to be an ON/OFF toggle but now it is a 0/1/2

        It affects the vismasters shaders as well and I was informed they are working on it.
        3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


        • #5
          I have the same problem with the old EGZ-materials... Many of my old models use the EGZ glass material, but it doesnt seem to work with sp3.

          Will there be an update to egz?


          • #6
            Originally posted by skogskalle View Post
            I have the same problem with the old EGZ-materials... Many of my old models use the EGZ glass material, but it doesnt seem to work with sp3.

            Will there be an update to egz?
            Yes, I will release an update to the materials soon. My workload has been huge lately, so the update isn't ready yet, but hopefully within a few days.
            Torgeir Holm |

